Friday, August 21, 2009


One day our older daughter announced to all of us that she was engaged. My younger daughter said, "YOU ARE TOO YOUNG"! Out of the mouths of "BABES" wisdom come!

Our older daughter dated Jim off and on for about 2 years from their first date. It was between her freshman and Sophomore year at a junior college in town, that she told us this.

They decided to get married between her Junior college and getting the last two years at the University. By this time, he had one year of engineering left, but planned to go on to further his degrees.

I had about one year notice to prepare for a wedding. They dated about 3 years altogether.

Wisdom--Did I think they were too young? At the time, I probably didn't think about it, but later I felt that they should have waited. By both going to school, both working, both studying and trying to meld their lives together was a difficult task. They did know each other, but they had still a lot of learning to become a "TEAM".

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