Monday, August 17, 2009


It seems like every mother wants to protect their daughters from any danger that they may encounter along life's pathway.

I am no exception to this rule. I had always told the girls that it just takes "ONE KOOK" to ruin their life. I told them to be aware of being alone in places where they are vulnerable and be careful. Now what mother wouldn't want to say that to their beautiful daughters.

Well, one day they came home from a well known shopping store, and alarmingly said, "MOM, MOM, WE SAW HIM!!" I said, "Who did you see?" They said, "That guy you have been warning us about all these years!!!".

They proceeded to describe this guy that was leaving the store. He had a huge ring that went through the end of his nose, no shirt, leather jacket, tattoos, the works. I guess he looked like someone you had better watch out for.

Do you suppose they were poking fun at my early warnings? No, no, they wouldn't do that!

Never-the-less, I must have gotten there attention on what to look for.

Wisdom--All mothers wants the best for their children and has their childrens best interest in mind, so pay attention to what they say. It might save your life someday! Remember, we aren't living in Kansas no longer.

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