Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Since Thanksgiving, I have managed to go back to the hospital. Not exactly where I would have wanted to be, but it is good to be there when you become sick. I'm back home and recuperating. Hopefully, I won't have to return for awhile. A few days before I came home, I was walking the halls to build up my strength for returning home, and I looked down and saw an object on the floor. I picked it up and it appeared to be a diamond earring. It was set in an old fashioned setting and looked to be real. My nurse when I came back asked me how my walk went. I told her about the diamond and let her look at it. She also, thought it to be authentic diamond in an old setting. I gave it to her to turn into lost and found. If it was truly an heirloom diamond, the owner would be crushed to lose it, as it would have sentimental memories as well worth some money. Hopefully, the earring will be returned to the rightful owner. A nice Christmas present if this proves out to be the case.

Wisdom--It's never wrong to do the right thing.

Thursday, November 11, 2010


They claim that groceries are going up in price. Well, yesterday I went to get groceries and purchased $80+ worth and came home and put them all away. I thought that we sure didn't get many groceries for $80. Toward evening, my husband asked me if I knew where the paper towels went that we just purchased. No paper towels were anywhere to be found. I tried to find my grocery list and couldn't find the list to see if we had paid for the paper towels. Today, the list showed up in my husband's jacket pocket. He has been helping a lot with things since I have been recuperating from my hospital stay. I proceeded to check out the list and would you believe that not only did we not have the paper towels that we purchased, but there was ice cream, sausage patties, canned goods, 2 loaves of bread, 10 # bag of potatoes, 2 frozen vegetables, Hamburger Helper all were unaccounted for. Now what to do? This is rather strange. No wonder I thought groceries have really gone up and hardly anything to show for my purchase.

We decided to go back and speak to the the manager and tell them about our missing groceries that we had paid for. A gal was ahead of us with a grocery cart at the office. After she left I went up and told the lady that I certainly had quite a bit of groceries that I didn't get and paid for. I had no more told her this, and I turned around and the grocery cart was still sitting there. (This cart, I thought belonged to the gal just ahead of me in line at grocery store's office.) Would you believe it, it looked like all the groceries that I had marked on my list that was missing. I told the office lady, you know what, I think these are my missing groceries. She came out and sure enough everything that I had marked was in the shopping cart. Of course, the ice cream was melted, along with unrefrigerated sausage, etc. Mystery was solved so quickly and corrected. I had nothing to prove that I did not receive these items and was certainly glad that it was that easy to rectify.

Thought--I think that groceries are going up rapidly as our government devalues the dollar.
This, and many other necessities of life one will see rise rapidly. Will the government ever learn? It doesn't seem to me that they will.

Friday, November 5, 2010


This past week was not one that I was over joyed with, but everyone has a down time once in awhile. Yes, I landed in the hospital and 2 1/2 days later, I was dismissed. Well, not for long, because I landed back in the hospital yet that same day, in the ER. I'm better, but hopefully I will try to stay out of the hospital. One week is enough of hospital life.

With that said, I had only positive interaction with the nurses/staff at the hospital. Hats off to these "Angels of Mercy". Most of these nurses work 12 hour shifts, greet you with a smile and helpful hands. I can't say enough about their abilities and hard work. Also, I had 2 priceless student nurses that will be their future nurses. The Nursing profession is truly a calling and the ones that I interacted with, held the standard HIGH. Sometimes, we over-look those that do other tasks. For example, one's that draw blood. My veins are really hard to get blood from, since they roll and don't want to get stuck. This one lady came in and drew 4 large bottles of blood. They had be drawn from 2 different arms each time. Each time, and each day she did her job efficiently and no pain. Sometimes, these people get unnoticed but she was truly good in her field.

The food could be improved a bit. They could get some of Paula Dean's recipes and then the food would be more to my liking. I might not make it out of the hospital, but I would die happily!

Thought--The scripture states in Romans 8:28--"And we know that all things God works for good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." No God didn't cause my illness, but can take that situation and turn it around for "good".

Friday, August 6, 2010


Yesterday was just an ordinary day but something happened during our eating supper that was quite a surprise to both my husband and myself. We eat lightly in the evening so we were eating a sandwich, fruit and a glass of cold water. Nothing could have foreseen this event coming, but I was lightly holding my glass of water with my hand, when all of a sudden the glass of water exploded in my hand. The glass disintegrated in little pieces. Thank heavens, I was not drinking at the time, because some of the tiny pieces could have hit my eyes. Why this happened, I do not know. My husband was astounded at what just took place. The glass was a very sturdy heavy glass and no cracks in it. Let me know if you have an idea regarding this. It was just cold water from the refrigerator, no ice in the glass. My warm hands were wrapped around the glass but I was not picking up the glass at the time.

Thought--The thought came to me that this is exactly the way that Christ will rapture the Church. Things will be going along perfectly normal and suddenly, without warning, Christ will Rapture the Church. I Corinthians 15:51-52 it states "Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep, but we will all be changed--in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed."
It employs us to remain faithful because we do not know the hour that Christ will return. Read Mathew 24:36-51. "Therefore keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come." The question is--WILL YOU BE READY?

Thursday, July 22, 2010


When you look at world events, losing ones glasses is small potatoes, but to the one that can't see, it still rates up there pretty high.

The other day, my husband lost his glasses. I was busy with doing volunteer work for our daughter to get ready for her teaching school in a few weeks. I had the dining room table all loaded down with these papers I was sorting out, so when she needs a certain paper they will be in order to pass out (years supply).

My husband was reading close by and using the remainder space of the table to sort out his stuff.
Which really was very little space left.

Later, toward evening, he announced that he couldn't find his glasses. I was still on this task for the day so that it would be completed and forgotten about. He retraced his steps and searched and searched in all the obvious places and those not so obvious. He couldn't find them and so I got involved and tried to solve the mystery. We looked in the yard, back yard, garbage, chairs, davenport, under the furniture and everywhere that was conceivable where these glasses could have gone. No glasses were to be found anywhere and even places that you wouldn't look unless you were desperate and didn't know where else to look. Still no glasses.

The thought came to me that God knew where they had gone, so why not ask Him to help us find them. We had gone out to eat with our neighbors for lunch, but he was sure he had them when he came back and was reading. So we were sure that they had to be somewhere around the house or yard.

When we got back from lunch with our friends, it was warm in the house and I slipped my outer blouse off and placed them over the chair like you would do with a jacket. I wanted to get back to the job at hand.

I finally completed the project about 6 PM and called Mary to meet us half way and she could take them to her school the next day.

Before I left, I tidied up the table, and noticed the blouse placed on the back of the chair. I proceeded to remove it to the clothes hamper and something dropped out of the blouse to the floor. Yes, the infamous glasses!!! They had to have fallen in the cuff of the blouse because there were no pockets to the blouse. Duh! I should have asked God sooner.

Thought--I wonder how many times we worry, stew, wring our hands, and the answer is no closer than God's word. If we would only learn to ask God to help, we could eliminate a lot of time, trouble and worries.

Friday, June 4, 2010


This past weekend we went to Michigan to help our granddaughter move to a rented home. They have their condo rented to a couple doctors and now in a rented house with a large yard for the kids to play in.

I need to clarify this helping move bit. We just observed everyone move their furniture. The most we did was supply lunch for the workers and unpack her kitchen supplies and organize the kitchen area.

It will take some getting used to for our granddaughter, as it is an older home and not up to the most modern equipment. For me however, it would seem luxurious compared to our old farm house on the farm when I was growing up.

It was a fun weekend even with the work involved.

Last night we went to a concert and it was 2 1/2 hours of pure enjoyment.

Thought--When everyone does a little, that LITTLE becomes MUCH when everyone does something for a greater cause. This is called TEAMWORK! Without teamwork, it doesn't function like it should.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


What can I say after a celebration fit for a "King and Queen"! We had a relaxing and great time in Florida (compliments of our daughters and our sons-in-law). We had a picturesque view at the Wyndam Condo from the balcony. Flight down and back was stress free, since our grandson and family helped ease the stress.

Well, let me tell you that there were more in store after we arrived home. On Sunday, our kids recreated our "first date"! Our first date was to see the stage play "Showboat" at Purdue University. Our kids rented a theater (an old theater that they converted to classic movies) and our family enjoyed the movie Showboat that debuted one year after the stage play we saw in 1950. They had trail mix, candy, cold drink and computer DVD hooked up to a laptop to view a tape that one of our granddaughters had put together. It was professionally done and was such a nostalgic addition to our 60Th Wedding Anniversary! A dozen red roses were presented to us from one of our granddaughters skills in arranging.

If that wasn't enough, they went back to one of our daughters home, to reenact Steak n Shake dinner with family. This was a regular event on our dates. In 1950, Steak n Shake was the only fast food place around. One of our granddaughters was at the door dressed up in a Steak n Shake hat, apron and the works! The home was decorated with Steak n Shake decor along with tables set up for the entire family!

We truly have been blessed with such a loving family and a great 60 years together. Good health, and just enough down time, to make us humble and very appreciative of all of God's blessings here on earth.

Our 25Th they had a dinner party at our friends house. Our 40Th the family all went to a nice restaurant. Our 50Th they had a bash with friends and family. Our 60Th was described above. They really will have to get their creative juices going for our 70Th!!

All of our family made a special effort to attend. Most of them came in time to go to church with us, and off to my sister's home for a quick "tide us over" lunch and then off to see "Showboat".

We thank each and every one of you for coming and making "our day" so memorable! It truly was one that we will cherish.

Had we known when we were dating, that our dating days would be recreated, we would have gone to Lobster and Steak dinners after our dates! That would really have set them back a bit.

Thought--Our 4 beautiful great granchildren were all there and what more can a couple ask for in life!!!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Yesterday our president signed into law a HUGE health care bill. While we were going to the doctors this month, I inquired to what they thought of this bill. I couldn't find any doctors/nurses that were wanting this bill to pass. My sister's doctor stated that he would quit medicine if it passed. Some type of reform was needed, but should not have been taken over by the government to manage.

I have stated previously what "BIG" government does to a nation, a people, and the future generations. My mind is firm on this. Less government = more freedom. Big government = less freedom. Our nations freedom came at a great COST for many of our forefathers. We should not take their sacrifices for granted.

I'm taking this time to apologize to my grandchildren, great grandchildren and those yet to be born, that we have lost freedom for them and heaped on their shoulders debt that they will never get out from under. With that said, it will be extremely hard for them to make ends meet, feed and clothe their families. I believed that each generation should be responsible for debts that they incur. I really am sorry and apologize to what passing this bill has done to those that come after us.

Wisdom--When one spends more that one makes whether it be individually, business, or government, one can expect bankruptcy. Social Security, medicare, medicaid are facing bankruptcy. States are facing bankruptcy. You think that our government will not lead us right into bankruptcy, as well!!!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


This week has been filled to the brim. Appointments with doctors, getting preparation work done prior to a new counter top in our bathroom. When we made the doctor appointments, I didn't know that so many things were jelling on the same week.

March seems to be a good time to get our yearly checkups at the doctors we go to. We figure that snow and ice surely is behind us. Little did I know that all the work needed to get done in our bathroom was culminating this week, also.

I can't wait until the bathroom is completed. Hopefully, all the inconveniences that it takes to install a new counter top, fixtures, lighting, and painting, will be worth it.

Thought--My husband had an echo at the doctor's office today. Things looked about the same.
Very thankful for the health God has given us through the years. PTL.

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I received a printout from a friend today. I thought it was so right. This is what it said--

Entitled-- My Dog

I went down this morning to sign my dog up for welfare. At first the lady said,Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare. So I explained to her that my Dog is unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and has no clue who his Daddy is. So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify. My dog gets his first check Friday. Is this a great country or what?

This truly is funny, if it wasn't so the way our government is operating these days. Rewarding the wrong people. Yes, and it seems like all the media goes right along with such idiotic kind of mentality. Our poor grandchildren, they will look back on their forefathers and wonder what kind of crazy ancestors that let this country get everyone in debt so that everyone is as poor as a church mouse. Spend, spend, spend is all Washington bureaucrats can think of. Somebody will pay dearly for this reckless spending. Bankruptcy comes to my mind.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Winter seems to want to stay with us a little longer. The snow blower comes in mighty handy when there is snow on the driveway. The recyclables and garbage had to be put out and hence the driveway needed the snow to be gone.

My husband has been taking medicine to regulate his blood. When he has too thin of blood count, he could bleed internally should he fall. Too thick of blood he might have a stroke. Either way, it isn't good. He doesn't like that I use the snow blower, but I am a safer bet than he is on the ice. He has to get it started, and then I take over and blow the snow off of the driveway. We have had some mighty caring neighbors that has helped, also.

Our grandson purchased a new laptop for me and this is the first time I have gotten on to type with it. It has all the "bells and whistles" to it, so it will be sometime before I catch on to all of them. My old one was so SLOW that a new one was the way t0 go.

We have been checking into getting a new bathroom counter top. We have stripped the wallpaper off and hope to get all done before warm weather. We are rather SLOW like our old computer! Maybe we need to be traded in for a new models! Do you think?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I'm so glad that we have four seasons. I wonder if I would ever tire of just perfect weather all of the time. In the spring, I think it will be nice to have summer and fresh vegetables and fruits. When summer comes and hangs around too long, I long for the cooler days of fall. The fall leaves turn their blazing colors and oh my, how beautiful! Then there is winter. I can't think about what it would be like without a little snow at Christmas. That would be rather weird. But of all the seasons, I like winter the least. If one could stay indoors and not have to go out to get groceries, go to the doctor, etc. then winter wouldn't be quite as bad.

The ground hog saw his shadow and they claim we have six more weeks of winter. It will be nice to see the green grass and smell the fresh earth again.

A snowy winter that comes to my mind is when I was going to work and it was extremely icy, and snowing. Since I was running late, I was really trying to step up the pace for fear I would be late. Didn't want any nasty looks staring at me (believe me there were a few). The firemen had just finished washing the firetrucks. With the ice that already was on the sidewalk, fresh water on top, and snowflakes on top of that, it was an accident just waiting to happen. Yes, I fell so quickly that I had hit my head before my body could catch up. That was the closest I had ever came to being knocked out. Yes, there were stars that were dancing around my head. Due to this fall, I walked around about six weeks in what would be a daze or dizzy feeling. Yes, I had a mild concussion. During this same period of ice, a lady had gone out their back steps and fell and died due to the fall and ice. Maybe this is the reason, I have high respect for the ice and how it leave a terrific punch.

Oh you people in that perfect weather and environment, you just don't know what it is to have the best of all the world. Now who am I kidding! Right now I would change places with you. Spring is coming and hopefully soon.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


I'm not much of a reader, but Lauraine Snelling books are addictive and they are hard to put down. Since November, I am on my 10Th book that she has written. The series that have such a hold of my attention are the RED RIVER OF THE NORTH (6 books) and RETURN TO RED RIVER (3 books) and now I am reading DAUGHTER OF BLESSINGS SERIES (4 books).

Red River of the North
1. Untamed land
2. New Day Rising
3. Land to Call Home
4. Reaper's Song
5. Tender Mercies
6. Blessing in Disguise

Return to Red River
1. Dream to Follow
2. Believing the Dream
3. More than a Dream

Daughters of Blessing
1. Promise for Ellie
2. Sophie's Dilemma
3. A Touch of Grace
4. Rebecca's Reward

These are Christian Fiction books about the trials that our Forefathers that Homesteaded near the Red River in South Dakota. Very factual and depicting the trials and hardships that our ancestors encountered as they came over from Norway.

I dare say, that if you don't shed a tear reading these books, you are "one hardened dude"!

Thought--Sometimes scripture comes alive when it is put in the context of everyday trials. The author of these books has just this ability to convey to us the meaning of scripture as it applies to our everyday living. I hope you check these out at the library and in the order in which I have listed so you can get the total picture of this family and our founding fathers trials.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


This is what I ran across this week and I thought it was worth passing on. Most people use spell-check to check out some of the things that you have typed. I don't know who wrote it but thought it was the way it is!

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.
Eye strke a key and type a word
And weight four it tow say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.
As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rare lea every wrong.
Eye have run this poem threw it
I am shore your pleased two no
Its letter perfect awl the weight
My chequer tolled me sew.

Have a good day!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Recalling some of my childhood memories centered around the family at the table.

It seemed that I had a full blown case of the "giggles" at the table on this occasion. Every time I looked at my sister, we would burst out laughing. What we were laughing about, is totally unknown. It got so bad, that our father told us we had to leave the table. They separated us so we could get over what was so funny. They put my sister in the "wash room" (actually today, it would be the bathroom, absent of a tub). They put me in the family room. There was only one problem with this plan, we still was able to see each other. I don't remember whether we ate supper that night or not, since we kept on laughing.

Another memory was when my mother served round steak. Now round steak needs to be chewed up quite well, since the pieces seem to cling together. This particular day, I jumped up from the table, I couldn't say a word. I ran into the family room. I was totally choking on this beef steak in my throat. My father apparently knew what was the matter, and followed me into the family room. He reached in my throat with his long finger and pulled out the steak. If you have had an experience of choking, you will never forget it. I have had a few times that I couldn't get my breath for some reason or another. It totally freaks you out! My dad saved my life that day!

My mother loved to cook and we lacked nothing in the way of food. She was a very good cook and prided herself in her ability. However, when you are young, you sometimes don't appreciate everything that seems to be on your plate. One of the rules at our house, if you take it, you must eat it. There was a shelf under our kitchen table, that was there to add support for the table.
This little shelf was the ideal place to store anything that one didn't want to eat. You had to eat everything, since there were starving children in the world. We were discovered when the table was moved and the contents of the shelf shifted a bit. Out came the uneaten roll, etc. onto the floor.

During the month of August, I didn't care what we had to eat as long as there were roasting ears of corn and sliced tomatoes to eat. This food memory lingers on and I still love corn on the cob and sliced tomatoes.

Since my dad's family came over from Germany/Switzerland, we had hot German Potato salad a lot. To this day, I do love potatoes fixed this way.

Thought--Our granddaughter (actually our grandson's wife) told me one day that she noticed that I like all kinds of food. I guess it all stemmed from eating up all that was on my plate.
We ate what was served, and there were no exceptions to the rule. Of course, my mother would try to cook the dishes that all of us liked. But once these dishes were on the table, we couldn't order special favors to be served to us. Hence, I learned to like what was set before me.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The other day I was wondering about a person's mind and memory. Some people have an inborn memory system, and others seem not to have this as much. What brought it to my mind was that my cousin's husband passed away this week and I had mentioned this to our younger daughter. She said, that she didn't know that I had a cousin living in our town. She had met her at my sister's home one time for lunch. Also, we had gone to see this cousin's brother at his beautiful home in her city one time when another cousin came to visit. She couldn't remember ever going inside of this house. I remember her saying to them (as she had to leave early) "How do you get out of this house?" It was very large new home and beautiful backed up to the country club golf course. She couldn't remember going there. I guess her mind is clogged up with other things. I think she vaguely remembered later.

It got me to thinking about how God has created us. Our memory and mind is like a computer and we can instantly bring up things in our mind with clarity, vividly, and emotions are remembered, things that happened years and years ago, as well as things that happened just yesterday. Don't you think that is amazing? God's computers have been at it for generations. Some of them, like this computer I am typing on today, run rather slowly at times, just like some memories are hard to bring up by some people. With a little jogging of their minds, they do remember.

It does seem like our family has had little trouble remembering events of the past. My brother could tell you what he had for lunch and where they stopped on a specific vacation and town and county the town was in. My cousin that lived in Florida had just such an unusual memory.

Wisdom--It is wise to remember the good times, but lay aside those things that are hurtful, painful and causes us to have an unforgiving spirit within us. These can only damage ourselves if we think about these things and dwell on these for long.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


I've had a bad cold since Tuesday. Haven't done much other than drink OJ and lay around.
When you get older it seems that it takes longer to get back to normal.

The weather has been a bummer besides. Our neighbor's father plowed the driveway for us the other day. There was at least 7-8 inches of snow and near zero or below. My husband drives down to the mailbox each day to get the mail. The box is at the end of the driveway, but he can't afford to fall on the ice/snow, so it works out fairly well to go in the car.

Hopefully, next week will be better in the weather department and I will be out of sickbay!

Thought--One has to experience a little down time, so we can appreciate the "up" times that come later.

Monday, January 4, 2010


It was about October when I was in high school this particular year, and I had stayed home from school since I had a bad cold. I had gone back to school about a week and one day I woke up and it felt like I had been stabbed between my ribs (it felt that way). Dad thought I had pneumonia as this is the way he felt when he developed pneumonia. He called the doctor and he came out and said that I had bronchitis. I really coughed and coughed. All that winter after this, I couldn't walk out in the cold weather much, as I would get a coughing spell and cough up phlegm.
I suppose this was about as sick as I had ever been growing up. My friends would have to stop and rest awhile with me so I would stop coughing.

As I had mentioned in other writings that my mother and father never argued or fussed at each other. My mother was a happy camper and so was my father. My mother never complained about the work she did. She learned to work very hard early in life and she never knew anything different. My dad was the same way, he was one of the older children in his household and took care of the younger children. After they married, they each had their own set of work to do and never complained.

My sister said that after 1917 when my mother miscarried, they wanted children so badly, that they put their name in to adopt a child. When the child service person came out, my mother went in to the crib and showed the lady that she had conceived and had a child. I didn't know this until just today.

Bad language, lying, and gossiping about others were strictly taboo at out house. This was a rule that was adhered to by our parents. My mother had a no nonsense approach about these rules. If you didn't like it, you just might be in line to get your mouth washed out with soap.

My dad came down to our home the fall of 1954 and saw the World's Series on our television set. He was so happy to see them play on television. He loaned us the money so we could get the television set. He died about a month later and we paid the debt back to our mother.

After my dad died and my mother lived in town, a furnace man came and knocked at her door. He asked if he could check her furnace. She let him in, and he came up after checking the furnace and had convinced her that she needed a new furnace or she would be over come by gas. She needed to decide immediately. She told him that her son took care of her business and she would have to call him in to OK the new furnace. This was in late July or August. My brother stopped what he was doing, and came in. My mother was crying and told him about what the furnace man said. He told them that he would have a local furnace man check it out and if he also said she needed a new furnace, that he would get it from a local dealer.
The first furnace guy was telling her a batch of lies. The furnace was not cracked and wasn't going to gas her. The local man said that she might consider a larger furnace, because the house was in need of a larger furnace for the size of the house. They bought a new furnace from the local dealer, but not because her furnace was broken.

My mother was healthy and didn't take any medicine even in her later years of life. Her feet was the only condition that gave her a lot of aches and pains. She complained about her feet a lot and cramps that bothered her. Her whole body would cramp up. I think it was that she never sat down and was constantly working. When she sat down she would be reading her bible or singing hymns from the hymnal.

Thought--I have only good memories of my childhood. Life was more simple in those days. Our life was no different than others in the neighborhood. A roof over our head, food in our stomach and clothes on our back, and parents that loved us. What more could one ask for?