Tuesday, June 30, 2009


You know that not making a decision is really a "decision" made! So many people in the world go around and ignoring God and His Plan of Salvation. By ignoring this important aspect of their life, they have doomed themselves, just as God said in Romans 3:10-18 that no man is righteous, not even one! This is the reason that God had to send Jesus down to SAVE us from our sin. By doing nothing, we are condemned, but by believing in Christ and his death on the cross in our place, we can have life!!!

Someone said, Why would a just God send anyone to Hell. Well, we send ourselves to hell by doing nothing. That is why God loved us so much that He made a way to escape and for us to go to heaven to be with Him. (John 3:16) It is like a "unwrapped gift", it has our name on the package, but if we don't accept it, we don't possess it.

Early on, when we were raising our daughters, I was so wanting each girl to accept Christ as their personal Saviour. I am so glad that they did let Jesus into their heart and life and then go on to be baptized and serve Him. They were just lost sinners, finding out that Christ is the WAY, the TRUTH and the LIGHT!

Wisdom--Perhaps you are reading this and you need to accept that "GIFT" or you have drifted from God. God is not willing that any should perish, but come to Him. (II Peter 3:9) He hasn't moved from that invitation, maybe, we have.

Wisdom--Life is so short! This week a well known singer died at the age of 50. That is such a short life! We must never ignore God's gift, by ignoring, we have made the decision. Are you one of those that need to make a decision today?

Monday, June 29, 2009


I mentioned before that my sister came to visit each summer and we always had "fun" going here and there.

Well this summer was a tad different when she came. Her two boys and our two girls took sick with the flu and ran a temperature and the "WORKS". They were all small (pre-school age or first grade age). It seemed that we would no more take one child's temperature and give the their medicine, that the other child was in need of attention. This went on until the course of time cured what ailed them. My sister drove back to her home in another state after her kids got well.
The day she drove back, I took the "NASTY FLU". Now this flu was no ordinary flu, especially the one who has it thinks that. It was time to feed my children and I was so sick I couldn't hold my head up. The girls were way too small to leave unsupervised in the kitchen, even to get cereal, etc. out to eat. I remember pulling a lounge chair that I had on the porch into the house and put it between the dining room and the kitchen, so I could supervise the process of them getting something out to eat while lying down.

Wisdom--There is no "GOOD" time for mothers to take sick. I guess this is why this stands out in my memory. I was just too sick to function and my little ones were just too young to function on their own very well.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Since the girls liked to get in the kitchen and help, I have quite a few pleasant memories of them helping.

When my older daughter was quite little she was interested in what I was doing in the kitchen. I remember this particular time she announced that she was "Sandra" and I was "Dianne". You wonder where she came up with this! There was a cooking TV program on during the week and the main person was named Dianne and her helper was Sandra, so she put this together and thought it appropriate in our case. She was about 3 1/2 or 4 years of age, if my memory is correct. She was adorable!

Another food memory was when our younger daughter came to me and asked me what I would like for her to bake for a Valentine gift to me. She gave me two choices, one choice was something easy and she could handle without much overseeing and the other choice was Cherry Turnovers.
Now she had never made any pastry items prior to this, so I told her to make the simpler thing.
She quickly said, "I want to make you Cherry Turnovers". Well, when she had her mind made up, it was "Cherry Turnovers". I was not to enter the kitchen to supervise, but just enjoy the finished product.

She got the recipe out and tried to follow it. I had gone through the kitchen a few times on my way to do something else, and was observing her with her creation. She was quite the perfectionist and was rolling and re-rolling the dough, to make it just "perfect". Of course, pie dough gets quite tough when you handle it that much, but she was putting "LOVE" in the recipe and that was important to her. I went over to her and said, "With all that tender loving care you are giving it, IT'S GOT TO BE GOOD!" I don't remember her age, but it was before she took "Baking Pastries" in 4-H. We ate her "special Cherry Turnovers" with grateful hearts and came away with very FOND memories.

Wisdom--"L O V E" sometimes comes when you least expect it and to not accept it graciously would "CRUSH" the giver. So let your little ones be creative! It's not that hard to clean up the kitchen when they so want to make something special for those they love. It's like when a child goes out in the yard and picks you a big beautiful bouquet of flowers (dandelions), one needs to admire the beauty of those so called flowers and appreciate such thoughtfulness on the child's part.

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Early on in our raising of our girls, we thought they should understand a little about money.

Money is a medium and can be used for our betterment or our demise. You can put money to good use and come out on top or you can spend money unwisely and be a slave to debts and credit cards.

We decided to open a very small savings account for each daughter. I emphasize the "very small" because it was VERY SMALL.

Each month the Bank would write the interest amount down in their Savings Bank Book. It would be a very tiny amount. We would show the girls what they made that month on their account, and they said, "We made that much for doing NOTHING!" This was their first introduction of how money can work for you, instead of money being their downfall.

I don't think we gave the girls an allowance, but I personally think it is a good thing. This way, they could learn about budgeting. I don't really know that we did that. We gave them money for good grades, etc.

Wisdom--Budgeting is most important when you are dealing with money. Cash flow for short term expenses, and bills and foresight for long range expenses are quite important. One never should try to keep up with the "JONES", but live within their own income. MR. JONES may be making twice the income as we are, so if we try to keep up with them, we will go under making our meager amount. Today, Savings accounts pay so very little interest. It is less than 1% interest. I think it was 4% interest way back when.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Since I thought it best to learn to swim, since the girls were out in the deep water, I took swimming lessons at the YWCA.

These lessons were taught by the same teachers that taught our girls to swim. They were excellent teachers. However, at the time I thought I was going to drown.

This is how it went. They taught as much as they could, and then it was time to test our skills to get our deep water badge. We had to swim the entire length of the pool to accomplish this.

Well I decided I would start in the deep water and swim to the shallow end. This didn't work because I always ran out of steam by the time I got to the end and knowing I was in the shallow water, I stood up and couldn't make it.

Then I decided that I would start in the shallow end next to the edge of the pool. Should I run out of steam and not be able to make it to the end, I still had the lifeline of the edge to grab and hang onto. This didn't work either, because I had the crutch so close to me, that sure enough I ran out of energy and grabbed my lifeline.

There was only one recourse that I could take to get my badge. It was to start in the shallow end of the pool in the middle of the pool. That way I didn't have any lifeline to fall back on. Both teachers agreed that they would come in the pool to rescue me if I couldn't make it to the end.
You want to bet on that!!!!!

This was a good plan until I got down in the deep water (with nothing to grab) and nobody was rushing in to rescue me as they had said.

The teachers just yelled at me to get my head back in the water and swim!!! Since it was either swim or drown, I started paddling again. I MADE IT AND GOT MY BADGE! They were two good teachers after all.

When the girls were young, I volunteered to be a counselor at the 4-H camp. We had to swim a certain length of the lake to be able to be a counselor on the canoes. I wanted to go on the canoes and so I got my band for my wrist after I succeeded in swimming the length required. Today, I am lucky to swim a little ways in the deep water, but I do stay always in the deep end of the pool, since it is less crowded.

Wisdom--You never know what you can do, but always try to stretch yourself to learn more. One never is to old to learn new things. Swimming is good exercise for a healthy heart.

Thursday, June 25, 2009


These hot summer days make me remember what it was like when we would go swimming while we were camping. The lake was so refreshing and the girls just loved it.

One day, my husband and I were up on the beach sunning and watching the girls play in the water. There were droves of children out in the lake and we tried to keep an eye on our two. This was rather difficult since they somehow look all alike out there. One minute you see them and another minute you don't. I remember this one time we couldn't see them anywhere we looked. What panic swept through us as we searched the beach! They were nowhere to be found. They wore bathing caps and we knew the colors, etc. The word frantic comes to my mind as we continued to search.

Those two decided to go up by the beach house to buy some pop, and we finally found them.

The girls finally learned how to swim by taking lessons at YWCA. They then would swim father out on the lake to a raft. I couldn't swim at the time and I wondered how one lifeguard could keep track of all those children. My kids would be in the bottom of the lake and he would not know it.

Bingo! The thought came to me that I HAD TO LEARN TO SWIM OUT TO THE RAFT, so I could watch my own children.

Stay tuned--Tomorrow I will tell you how I accomplished this.

Wisdom--I believe everyone should be able to swim. This way, they have a fighting chance when they are around pools, lakes, boating, etc. It is one exercise that really makes you feel great! Swimming is one thing that I am so glad I learned how to do, even though I don't swim very well. A buddy system helps keep each other safe and we tried to teach this to them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


It seems that the funniest things come to our mind when we reminisce over the past.

Since the girls were in 4-H and was learning to cook, they were in the kitchen a lot learning new things.

One day while both of them was stirring up something delicious, I looked over and saw our older daughter having batter running down on her shoes. I was always doing something in the kitchen while they were learning, so I was very close by. I think my job was to clean up the mess that they were creating. I told her, "Watch out and don't tip the bowl so much as you are letting the batter run out". I found out that she wasn't tipping the bowl at all and had beaten the batter so much that she beat a hole in the glass bowl.

Well, after that incident, I decided the girls needed my "Nervous Bride's Mixing Bowl". It was a Wearever mixing bowl, that one could not break, nor it could not be tipped over no matter how hard you tried. Thereafter, when it was time to beat something, out came that bowl. I still have that same bowl today. Those Wearever pans that I bought before I was married, I am still using and they never wear out. They really do wear forever.

Wisdom--Mothers that wait on their children and do not teach their daughters or sons "LIFE SKILLS" are not being kind to them. In the early years kids think it is "fun" to learn to do things that mom and dad are doing. This is a "golden" opportunity for them to learn and have fun while learning. Any kind of success they have while learning is one thing they don't have to learn later. Never expect the finished product to be perfect, but praise them a lot for their effort!!! This takes a lot of time and effort to teach, but the rewards are terrific. The goal in parenting is for the child to be independent and able to function on their own. Sometimes it is hard to cut the "apron strings", but they do need to be cut gradually.

Monday, June 22, 2009


This weekend was really busy and exciting! We saw our great-granddaughter for the first time this weekend. She is so pretty and perfect in every way. She is quite tiny and our name for her is the "TINY ONE". She is well developed and plump, but just has tiny features, hands, etc. What a priceless little bundle of joy!!

Saturday evening we went to my Alumni banquet from High School. It has been 65 years since we graduated. Whoa! How time flies. I was able to see two of my very best friends there. In high school one of our teachers called us the "Three Musketeers". Someone came up and said "I see you three are still hanging around together" and remembered those days that we were so close.

When we went home, my friend left her keys in the car and didn't have an extra set. We were pondering what to do next, when I got the idea of asking a complete stranger (they were at the banquet, but I didn't know them) if he knew how to open the car door. God is so good, this man took his car keys and opened her door. They had to very same kind of car and year. How about that for God to place that man very close to her car, so she could get home that evening.
God knows our every need, even before we can ask or think and has a solution ready for us.

Sunday we went to our family (cousin) reunion. We are all getting up there is years and it was good to see them again.

Thought--The weekend was really packed full of "fun" things, but it is always good to get back home and in a routine again. My close friends from high school has lost their husbands a few years ago. I am so grateful that my husband is still living and well enough to enjoy the evening.

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Yesterday I mentioned I would tell you a story about when we were at Winona Lake camping. The girls were probably Jr. High and High School. This particular year we went up there one week and then back again 6 weeks later.

I could always tell when the girls lost one of their contact lens, by the sound of panic in their voices. Everyone stood still until the contact lens was located. We would shine a light around and most of the time we found it and was lucky not to step right on it. This particular time our younger daughter was in our first pop up camper and sounded the alarm. We looked and looked in the sleeping bag and all around, but no luck.

We had 4 compartments in our camper with each having their own compartment. When the trip was over, all the clothes and things from the compartments came back in the house to be washed or put away.

Six weeks later, we packed to go back up to the same campground. The compartments was loaded up as usual and off we went.

There was a building that was designed to dress in fairly close to our campsite. This made it easier when 4 was trying to get dressed in the camper.

Our younger daughter came back from getting dressed and said, "You can't guess what I found!"
Yes it was the contact lens that she lost 6 weeks prior. It got in her clothes and she felt something scratching her and looked and lo and behold the lost was found!

This contact had to travel from the camper into our home, back out to the camper and from the camper to the building where she was getting dressed.

I don't know whether she was able to use it, since they usually stay stored in contact solution when not in use.

Thought--Have you ever thought how the tiniest things stays forever in our mind? Whoa, God created human beings to have such a capacity!!! It's like a computer up there in our memory bank. And we thought man created the computer!!!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Very early on in our marriage we would like to take a week or two and head for Winona Lake, Indiana. Back then, it was a bible conference grounds for churches to come and have their week. One week it was Moody Week, another week it was Evangelism week, Music week, Etc.

We started going when we only had one daughter and one on the way. It was such a enjoyable family vacation, that I still would like to attend some of the seminars, weeks, etc even now. It has been turned over and strictly Grace College and Seminary for a number of years now.

We would rent or sub-let an apartment during this time. Later when we started camping we would take our camper up and go to a near campground.

They would have children meetings and adult seminars. Most of these were taught by well known writers, evangelists, etc. I remember one time I had to get up early in the morning and attended a class taught by Dr. Clyde Narramore. It was so interesting and helpful in daily living. There was a lake on the grounds and we would swim and take boat rides. They even had a roller rink on the grounds. This was fun, even though I never could stay very firm on those wheels.

Billy Sunday Tabernacle was on the grounds and nightly they had such good well known speakers, depending on the week you went. Yes, Billy Graham spoke at this tabernacle early on.
The bookstore was just loaded with Christian books, tapes, etc.

Stay tuned, I have a story to tell about one of those weeks we were up there!!

Wisdom--Quiet times with God store up power for future emergencies!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Christmas time was always a fun and special time in our home as we celebrated Christ's birthday and exchanged gifts. We always had a tree, but it wasn't much to "brag" about. The girls never wanted me to buy an artificial tree, so we would go and pick one out from a lot full of trees. They were way up in Junior High before we went for the artificial tree.

I always was really busy during this time of the year as I tried to bake, sew, and keep up with all the shopping one has to do extra.

My husband would take the girls out shopping and have the girls pick out a gift from them to me. Now this was not a big gift, but something that I could use during the year. One year they chose a dust pan for the gift. I was in need of a new one.

Our younger daughter was so very excited about this gift and put it under the tree. She just turned 3 years old. She came to me and said that she wasn't going to tell me what it was she had bought, BUT she would give me a "LITTLE HINT". She told me, "It looks something like a dustpan!"

Of course, I didn't let her know that she let the "Cat out of the Bag" telling me that. I went along with the surprise and tried to guess what it was. It was a memory that is so precious that time can't erase it. It is those little things that are so precious as one looks back on events.

Most years they got a new doll and I tried to sew a wardrobe of clothes that those dolls would wear. It would be right up to Christmas before I had all the snaps, buttons, etc sewed on. I think my mother would come down and help finish those little details. Of course, they got a lot more things but not as much as kids get these days.

Wisdom--Keep Christ as the center of Christmas. This holiday has become so commercialized that Christ is not the forefront but way, way back almost out of the picture. How Sad! How would you like to have a birthday, and people shoved you out of the picture altogether!

Monday, June 15, 2009


I guess this is as good a time as any, to tell you how we started being called "PAD" and me "NEUMO".

Each year my sister would come and bring her two boys and visit for a week or two. During that time, we were usually privileged to have our other two nephews part of that time.

This particular year, they drove down with an additional critter. They had a very, very, sick Guinea Pig and it was about to die. We collectively got busy and nursed that Guinea Pig back to good health, with hot water bottles, etc.

After this incident, the kids would call me "Doc Neumo, for my heroic accomplishment. It stuck like glue and I have been called that ever since.

I think Neumo is taken from a Spanish word, they then started calling their dad "Padre'"
and "Pad" for short.

Now you know more than you wanted to know. Thanks for asking, however! You do have a good memory!

Wisdom--When you name someone, always check out what the initials spells or might spell after they change their name. Like if you have Frederick picked out, and Larry for the middle name. If you last name is Young, this might not be the greatest choice, since they might be called "FLY" all their life. It could get even worse that that. Of course, one doesn't know what their married name might become, but think of the possibilities and go from there.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well I guess you know that I had one daughter that was quite independent!

Early on, when she showed her independent streak, I would say, "Now Spunky!"

I started calling her Spunky at an early age. Then I thought this wasn't quite the handle I wanted to put on her for the rest of her life, so I switched the name to Bunky. Now you know the rest of the story.

Once in awhile I still call her by this pet name. She has been a delight, even though she had an independent streak.

I think that our older daughter has an independent streak, also. When your kids get to be adults they should develop this quality and it is a "good" thing.

My goal when raising my daughters is to teach them to be independent. This is what all parents should strive for in their children. They both are self reliant and can do most things well.

Wisdom--God wants us to grow up and think for ourselves and not follow where the crowd is going. The crowd may be going the opposite of the way God wants us to go. Weigh your thoughts against the Word of God and you will be OK.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


We sent our girls to a private church school and the bus picked them up each day to take them to school. This was convenient, and they picked them up in front of our home. However, the bus route took a different route, and let them off about 2 blocks away in the evening. The street they let them off on was quite busy and it was busier around the time he dropped them off.

My husband worked first shift and got off early, so he was home by the time our girls was out of school.

I was concerned about the safety of getting let off on this busy street and whether I daughter was looking both ways before crossing the street. I did have good reason for this as a child had gotten off of the church bus and was run over by a car and died yet that evening a few years prior.

One day I sent my husband down to where they let our daughter off, to see if she indeed was looking before crossing the street as she said she always did.

Well this didn't set too well with her. She came in like a little wet hen and said, "What is daddy doing down by the bus stop?" I said, "He wanted to make sure you were looking both ways before you crossed the street". Well she said indignantly, "You would think I was a baby or something!" She wasn't very old (2ND or 3rd grade perhaps)

I tried to explain to her that we loved her and didn't want her run over. She quickly replied, "You just love me just too much!!"

She was one independent little girl!

Thought--I still have this protective streak about me! I remind the grown up kids and our grandchildren when it is deer season and deer comes popping out from nowhere in front of the cars. Make sure your seat belts are fastened, etc. Once a mother, always a mother!

Friday, June 12, 2009


After I wrote about how my girls wanted to runaway from home, I thought I had better tell you about a compliment that I received during that time, so you don't get the idea that I was one horrible mother.

It came from someone that you would least expect to get a compliment like this from. No it wasn't either one of my daughters, but the other smart girl that was at our house most of the time.

It was just an ordinary day and out of the "blue" this neighbor girl said, "Mrs. _____, do you know who I would like to have as a mother?" Of course, I didn't know what she was driving at and I said, "no". She said, "You, if I could pick a mother". Well, I thought this was so sweet and so off the cuff. I told you she was one smart little girl!!!! She might have been wanting for me to do something special for her, but nevertheless, I thought it was a nice thing for her to say. At least, I thought, that I must be doing something right!

I tried to be make our days, exciting and full of fun, so there were some permanent good memories, so the girls didn't think back on their growing up years as just negative. I enjoyed each year that they were growing up. There were no favorite age that I thought was better than another age. Each age was exciting and challenging.

Thought--I am still enjoying those two girls and enjoy being a grandmother, and great-grandmother. No other job has been so important and pleasurable. Along with the exciting part, there were lots of things that was also, boring, repetitive and just plain hard work. The job of raising our daughters was the most important job I ever had and the most rewarding. Thank you God for the gift of life and the trust you gave me those many years ago.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


After writing about house rules yesterday, it reminded me of a time that my girls just didn't quite like the "rules of our house".

Our older daughter was about 3 or 4 years of age and she decided that she knew what she wanted to do and I said, "No, you can't do that!" She then quickly said, "Well, I guess I will run away from home!" I quickly replied, "Well if you are going to run away from home you will need a suitcase to put all your things in". I quickly got her little "pink" overnight suitcase out, and started putting in her pajamas, toothbrush, etc. By this time she was really worried and told me
"Mommy I don't want to run away from home!" I called her bluff and she had 2ND thoughts. I sure would have missed our beautiful little girl had she ran away that day!

Our younger daughter decided when she was about 5-6 years old that she didn't like the "Rules of the House regarding television". She announced that she was going to run away from home if she didn't get to watch television that night.

Well, since I was a seasoned mother about these things, I quickly got her suitcase, etc. for her trip to who knows where. As I have stated before, she was more determined little girl and a bit older than my older daughter was when she announced this very thing. She went out the door with her suitcase in hand. Now what was a mother to do? My older daughter and I was home and she knew what was happening. Our older daughter was getting quite a kick out of this scene. We watched her the entire time (she couldn't see us as we went behind the house outside). She went in front of our neighbors house and stood there for awhile. She turned around and slowly went to the corner side street (adjoining our lot) and stood under the street light for a few minutes looking up and down the street. Then she slowly walked back up our drive to our front door. My older daughter and I quickly went inside as if nothing was happening and met her at the front door.

I said, "Well, I am surprised to see you, come on in! I thought you were going to run away from home!" or something to that nature.

She said, "Well I decided to run away tomorrow, but tonight I am going to watch television!"

I said, "Fine! You can run away tomorrow, but you are not going to watch television tonight!"

This was the end of the "runaway girls saga"! Never again, did either ever say they were going to runaway from home in any conversation we had.

Wisdom--Sometimes, parenthood, gets a little tense. Rules are given for good reasons, and one must be consistent in implementing these rules. I realize that some rules can be bent for certain occasions, but on the most part, should be adhered to. Oh the joys of motherhood! It still brings a chuckle today.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Raising children without any rules of the house, didn't seem like a good plan to me. Early on in my motherhood, I knew I had to be on top of the game, with 2 smart little girls to raise. Well let me clarify this a bit more (with 3 smart little girls around). Yes, we had a neighbor girl that was over at our house on a regular basis. She was a delight and very smart little girl. I knew that I had to be one step ahead of these three.

It's pretty easy to enforce rules on your own children, but an other's child, that was another story. We lived in a perfect neighborhood, however. It was an older neighborhood and younger children were few and far between. So it was easy to send my neighbor's child home if she didn't comply with our house rules. She was punished and so was my children punished by not getting to play together. When you have a neighborhood full of small children, this wouldn't work, since the child would go off and play with other children. In the summer months our neighbor girl would go off to the Country Club to swim about 3 or 4 in the afternoon. We didn't belong to the Country Club.

I did try to have set jobs for each child to accomplish during the day as they grew up. It was hard not to give our older daughter more difficult jobs, since she was older and bigger. To combat this problem, I would write the jobs that needed to be done that day down on paper and put them in a jar and they chose the jobs they had to do. That way, It was fair. Of course, I had to understand that their attempts to do a job would not pass an adults view of the finished product, but they were young and learning on a daily basis. Praise goes a long way to make a child feel like they did well.

It seemed like there were so much to learn in the world and these children had a lot ahead of them to learn. So I began early to try to teach them "life skills".

Television wasn't like it is today, so many bad programs and so many bad influences. On the whole, there were good TV programs to watch. However, one could allow TV to become a babysitter. Now this isn't good, even though they were watching good programs. I set a limit on their TV watching. So many hours a week they could watch, and they could select their viewing on what was coming up that week. They could save some viewing time for something they really wanted to watch the next night.

My goal was to raise my daughters to become Christian adults, with "life skills" that would never go out of style. Looking back on this, I am proud of our daughters love for God and their love to serve others. Did I make mistakes? Well, who doesn't? Through all my bungling and wrong calls on things, I feel that they saw "love". You can make a multitude of mistakes, but when they see love as the motive, you will succeed. When I failed, God would take over my feeble ways. Remember there wasn't an instruction book that came the day they were born. I really take that statement back, there was an instruction book, the Bible, that is infallible word of God and never fails.

Wisdom--The devils workshop is idol hands (or minds). Fill that time up with constructive, fun, educational, skills that will last a lifetime. This takes work and lots of planning to succeed in your goals.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


In the fall after we moved to our 2ND home, my friend and I decided to attend a cooking show together for a week. Our older daughter was in first grade and that left our younger daughter (3 year old) at home to go with us.

Each day they would demonstrate how to make certain kinds of dishes, meats, deserts, etc. Each day they also gave a bags of groceries away. I think that the cooking school was sponsored by the local grocery stores. The first day I was fortunate to win a bag of groceries. Then the next day my friend won a bag of groceries. Well the next day I figured it was my turn. The way it turned out, she won her 2ND bag of groceries.

The end of the week they were to give away a doll that looked like Little Miss Sunbeam. (like the Miss Sunbeam on the bread wrapper). How one could win the doll is to bring your child and they would select the one that most looked like Miss Sunbeam. I didn't think much of this, since Little Miss Sunbeam was a blond and our younger daughter had light brown hair. My friend thought that she did look like her, only a darker hair version. She told me to fix her hair piled up on her head and she thought she would have a chance! That was all it took for my daughter to get all excited about coming home with that beautiful doll.

No amount of trying to talk her out of trying to win that doll worked. I tried to explain that if there was a little blond girl trying out, she wouldn't have a chance. She still wanted to try. So we got busy and worked on her hair, piling it in curls up on top of her head. I did pray with her that night about this, since I knew she probably wasn't going to get that doll. She seemed to understand what I was trying to convey to her.

Well--The next day they had to choose which child got the doll! Our younger daughter did look like a "doll" to me, but you know I was her mother and that didn't count.

There were a number of children in the audience, but there were only 2 of the children that it was clear that they made an effort to compete. How it turned out was that the judges couldn't decide, so they both won a "Little Miss Sunbeam Doll" that day.

Thought--I think I would have had a mighty disappointed little girl that night had it not turned out she got this doll. I still have that doll today. She still has a determined spirit about her, and that is a good thing! God is pleased with a person that sets a goal and determined to run to the
finish line!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Don't you just stand in amazement when God works in His timing and His ways? He does this over and over again and one can't just dismiss it as coincidence. Some may try, but how could they?

A few months ago I was in Sunday School and we have a fellowship time between Sunday School and Church, to get to know others in other classes, etc. This particular Sunday we were seated at this round table and a couple asked if they could join us. Of course, we told them they could.
This couple was traveling through our town and it was just time to stop to attend church along the way. They had to go a little out of the way from the Interstate, as our church is not that close by.

The purpose of the fellowship is to get to know the people you are sitting with and their interests, etc. He was a professor from another state and it just happened to be what our son-in-law teaches at a University close by. Upon more visiting we learned that he had a son that is studying to be a missionary to the Spanish people. He said that he was having trouble with learning Spanish, however. Now what better table would God place him, than our table! I will explain why. Our Best Man and Matron of Honor (59 years ago) just happened to have a son that his business was teaching languages via tape. Since he started his business, it took off and McMillan Publishing bought him out. One stipulation was that he couldn't sell tapes and books on the side, but only through McMillan in the book stores. He had recently told me that if I knew someone that could use this, to let him know. Duh!!! I didn't, BUT God did! A God thing for sure!!! Today I am mailing him these tapes.

Well now if you think that was coincidence, I have another story. As I had told you prior that my husband's sister passed away. She just happened to have two lift chairs. We are keeping one of the lift chairs, but didn't know what to do with the other one.

Our daughter had a friend at school and her mother had a stroke. She needed a lift chair. Her husband said maybe they could find one at a garage sale. She said, Oh yeh, how many lift chairs have you ever seen at a garage sale?" I've been going to garage sales most of my life and I have yet to ever see one.

The very next day our daughter went to school and asked her friend, "Do you know anybody that could use a lift chair?" Whoa! Did she know someone who was in need of a lift chair!!! My sister in law's home was 130 miles away from this lady, but God knew and knew the need and orchestrated the timing. Coincidence? I DON'T THINK SO!

Wisdom--The magazine Guidepost has a column in their monthly magazine, called "His Mysterious Ways! I love this article, because it shows how interested God is for the individual and how he carries out a miracle right when they are in need of one.

Sunday, June 7, 2009


Very close to the time that our daughters had their mishap, I was cleaning out the refrigerator and taking things out so I could wash the insides down with soda water that mishap #3 occurred.
I had taken a jug of syrup out of the refrigerator and because of my wet hands and the size of the jug it slipped right out and landed on the floor. Now this was not an ordinary size of syrup jug. Remember my husband had always said, buy in quantity because the unit price is so much cheaper. Well I bought the largest jug they had. You can imagine the mess that made on the floor, on my pride, and trying to get all of that sticky stuff up as if it never occurred. It took some scrubbing.

Then very close to this time, my husband was painting up under the eaves of our house. He had a gallon paint can (yes, it was full) and was perched on a stoop over the back door leading to the patio. One little mishap (mishap #4), and down came the paint can and contents all over the patio. It took quite a bit of newspaper and water to rectify that little mess. The cycle had been completed and each mishap seemed to be harder to clean up.

So you can see we each had our turn at making up the "JUG" saga.

Wisdom--Last night we were listening to the History Channel about "D day invasion". It was 65 years ago on June 6, 1944 that "D day" occurred. One of the men said that after the war (if he survived) he was going to buy some land and live at peace on that land and that was what he did. So many gave the ultimate price so we could have a peaceful abode and raise our families, telling others about insignificant incidences in our lives. We owe so much to those "WAR HEROES" and to our GOD that helped them win the war. Yes, we were able to carry out our daily lives and tell you of some of the boring details of that life, because of God and those men. Thank you one more time to each and all!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

JUG #2!!!!

As we raised our children, we didn't go out to eat at fancy restaurants much, but did go to fast food places quite often. I think we acquired this habit because it was more of an effort to get everyone dressed up and out the door for a nice place to eat.

You know how easy it is to go to a fast food place. You go as you are on the most part. I don't remember ever going really grubby to any place though. If I was to pick up a bolt at the hardware store, I would try to look presentable before I left. My husband would always say, they will take your money regardless of how you look. SO TRUE!!! My pride always would get in the way for me to adopt that motto, however.

Many times we would drive out to the airport and watch the planes land and on the way or on the way home we would get something to eat.

This particular day, we dropped by the H&W Root Beer stand. We usually got a jug of root beer to take home to drink. They had gallon jugs that if you returned them, they would fill them up.
The girls were always excited when we would do something extra like this. This day our older daughter was really excited and wanted to carry the gallon jug in herself. The thought didn't occur to me that this was quite hefty for her to carry. In her excitement, she dropped it all over the patio. Accident #2 happened. No one was hurt, so all was well. Our younger daughter had broken a water jug and now it was our older daughter with root beer.

Well now! The pattern seemed to be set and it was our turn. It gets more sticky each time it happens. Tune in tomorrow.

Wisdom--Doing things as a family, no matter how minor it is, seems to strengthen the bonds.
A picnic, or a trip to the park is worth the effort. I remember a quote someone said, "Dust will wait, but your children grow up all too fast, so take time to enjoy the moments!"

Friday, June 5, 2009


We were all settled into our 2ND home by this time and enjoying our growing family. It was soon after we had moved that the following happened.

Bedtime was rather the same each evening. We would give the girls their bath and pray with them as we tucked them in at night. One night I particularly remember is when we had given the girls their bath and our younger daughter right after she got out of the tub wanted a drink of water. Off to the refrigerator she went. Before I could help her with the jug of water, she had already pulled it out of the refrigerator. It was so heavy that it landed on the floor and shattered all around her. There she stood in a pool of water and glass in pieces with nothing but her birthday suit on. My husband wasn't overjoyed with this scene, but all I could think about was that she didn't even have a scratch on her from the broken water jug. Quite a miracle don't you think? It's funny how such memories come flooding into your memory box when you are thinking of a certain age.

Stay tuned, there are 3 more JUG accidents to follow!

Wisdom--Parents are missing the greatest opportunity to bond and connect with God with their children if they don't tuck their little ones in at night. We didn't have any trouble with them not going to bed because we had a set time and a set ritual that we followed. A good warm bath and clean pajamas prepares them for a good nights sleep. My only regret is that we should have read them a bible story just before we prayed with them. All parents need time alone and to unwind after caring for children during the day. This is why I think it is most important to set a specific bedtime for children.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Our girls were about 2 1/2 and nearly 6 years old and we purchased a different house. Our older daugher was graduating from kindergarten yet that spring when we moved in to this home.
It was in the spring of the year when we moved in. We now had 2 houses to our name. About 3 months later we sold our first house for a profit and was really glad that we didn't have only one house.

We had looked at about 35 homes and couldn't find the one we wanted, so we put an ad in the paper describing our wishes for a 2ND home. We got quite a few responses and found exactly the one we were looking for from these responses. I recommend this approach to purchasing a home. We lived in that home for about 30 years before we moved to our present location. The girls grew up in this home and still have fond memories of living there. We went by the home yesterday and were rather disappointed in how the yard looked. The home is brick and pretty much doesn't change in that respect, but oh my, the yard looks too crowded with plants, etc.

The criteria for our newer home was location, location, location. It paid off since it did appreciate in value when we were ready to sell.

Wisdom--Within 6 months we had this newer home paid off. I do recommend this if possible, since you pay for homes 3 to 4 times the amount in interest, otherwise. It pays to get out of debt as quickly as one can, so you can start saving for upcoming expenses that surely does occur.

Monday, June 1, 2009


It was about this time of the year and our older daughter went out to play in the back yard. She wasn't out there very long and came back in. I looked at her and she was one big "puff" in her face. Since I recognized that something was wrong, and I didn't know what it was, off to the doctor we went.

When the doctor saw her she said, "She has an acute allergy". I think that she had an allergy to the Spirea that was in bloom that particular day. After that we had her tested for allergies of all sorts.

She hasn't gotten over this and she has to be extremely careful getting into poison ivy, poison oak. She was at her mother-in-law's place and nobody had gotten out to care for her lawn, so our daughter took on this job. BIG MISTAKE!!! She puffed up in her face and had blue welts over her entire body and had to stay home from work a week. She went back to work and would come home at lunchtime/evening and soak in the tub for relief from poison ivy. I saw her a week after it happened and she was really, really bad then. She said that I should have seen her the week prior. I don't know how she could have been in worse shape then when I saw her.

I hope she has learned her lesson and never, never take on this kind of work on again. I'm afraid it would be "curtains" for her if she did. I made her promise not to do that again. Also, I told her husband that, also. She is so willing, but sometimes one must put their foot down and say NO, when it effects your health so much.

Wisdom--Allergies run in families and some never seem to overcome it. Later I will tell you of another allergy problem with our other daughter.