Friday, August 28, 2009


It was one of those evenings that our nephew that was staying at our house, our daughter, and I was conversing around the table, when our younger daughter said she had all her credits to graduate high school. I thought, why is she going to high school, when she could be using that time getting credit courses for college.

It was around the time in January that you needed to sign up for new classes at the Junior College. I told her she should ask them at the high school if she could drop out and still graduate with her class in May. She did and they said she filled her requirements that was needed for high school and she could start classes at the Local Junior College while still graduating with her class in May.

Since college was looming and getting a few required courses still while living at home was a great advantage.

Thought--Yet that fall our youngest was going off to the University and leaving us! If it wasn't for our nephew to soften the blow of an EMPTY NEST, we would have really been sad to see her go. Anyone that experienced their last one to leave the nest, can understand the vacuum that is created. Thank you Gary, for helping us during this time!

1 comment:

Observer said...

I remember this well! I took Mary out to her first orientation class at the Junior College!