Thursday, November 11, 2010


They claim that groceries are going up in price. Well, yesterday I went to get groceries and purchased $80+ worth and came home and put them all away. I thought that we sure didn't get many groceries for $80. Toward evening, my husband asked me if I knew where the paper towels went that we just purchased. No paper towels were anywhere to be found. I tried to find my grocery list and couldn't find the list to see if we had paid for the paper towels. Today, the list showed up in my husband's jacket pocket. He has been helping a lot with things since I have been recuperating from my hospital stay. I proceeded to check out the list and would you believe that not only did we not have the paper towels that we purchased, but there was ice cream, sausage patties, canned goods, 2 loaves of bread, 10 # bag of potatoes, 2 frozen vegetables, Hamburger Helper all were unaccounted for. Now what to do? This is rather strange. No wonder I thought groceries have really gone up and hardly anything to show for my purchase.

We decided to go back and speak to the the manager and tell them about our missing groceries that we had paid for. A gal was ahead of us with a grocery cart at the office. After she left I went up and told the lady that I certainly had quite a bit of groceries that I didn't get and paid for. I had no more told her this, and I turned around and the grocery cart was still sitting there. (This cart, I thought belonged to the gal just ahead of me in line at grocery store's office.) Would you believe it, it looked like all the groceries that I had marked on my list that was missing. I told the office lady, you know what, I think these are my missing groceries. She came out and sure enough everything that I had marked was in the shopping cart. Of course, the ice cream was melted, along with unrefrigerated sausage, etc. Mystery was solved so quickly and corrected. I had nothing to prove that I did not receive these items and was certainly glad that it was that easy to rectify.

Thought--I think that groceries are going up rapidly as our government devalues the dollar.
This, and many other necessities of life one will see rise rapidly. Will the government ever learn? It doesn't seem to me that they will.

Friday, November 5, 2010


This past week was not one that I was over joyed with, but everyone has a down time once in awhile. Yes, I landed in the hospital and 2 1/2 days later, I was dismissed. Well, not for long, because I landed back in the hospital yet that same day, in the ER. I'm better, but hopefully I will try to stay out of the hospital. One week is enough of hospital life.

With that said, I had only positive interaction with the nurses/staff at the hospital. Hats off to these "Angels of Mercy". Most of these nurses work 12 hour shifts, greet you with a smile and helpful hands. I can't say enough about their abilities and hard work. Also, I had 2 priceless student nurses that will be their future nurses. The Nursing profession is truly a calling and the ones that I interacted with, held the standard HIGH. Sometimes, we over-look those that do other tasks. For example, one's that draw blood. My veins are really hard to get blood from, since they roll and don't want to get stuck. This one lady came in and drew 4 large bottles of blood. They had be drawn from 2 different arms each time. Each time, and each day she did her job efficiently and no pain. Sometimes, these people get unnoticed but she was truly good in her field.

The food could be improved a bit. They could get some of Paula Dean's recipes and then the food would be more to my liking. I might not make it out of the hospital, but I would die happily!

Thought--The scripture states in Romans 8:28--"And we know that all things God works for good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." No God didn't cause my illness, but can take that situation and turn it around for "good".