Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Since Thanksgiving, I have managed to go back to the hospital. Not exactly where I would have wanted to be, but it is good to be there when you become sick. I'm back home and recuperating. Hopefully, I won't have to return for awhile. A few days before I came home, I was walking the halls to build up my strength for returning home, and I looked down and saw an object on the floor. I picked it up and it appeared to be a diamond earring. It was set in an old fashioned setting and looked to be real. My nurse when I came back asked me how my walk went. I told her about the diamond and let her look at it. She also, thought it to be authentic diamond in an old setting. I gave it to her to turn into lost and found. If it was truly an heirloom diamond, the owner would be crushed to lose it, as it would have sentimental memories as well worth some money. Hopefully, the earring will be returned to the rightful owner. A nice Christmas present if this proves out to be the case.

Wisdom--It's never wrong to do the right thing.