Wednesday, July 15, 2009


This morning I got my cryptoquote figured out and this is what it says--"Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers", by C. N. _o_ee.

I thought this quote sums up what parenting is all about. Give lots of sincere praise to your children and they thrive. A critical spirit will wither the child.

Another point about rearing children. Parents needs to be involved in their children's activities and events. There is no room for "arm chair" parenting. Just being home with a child, does not make you a good parent. Getting actively involved with what interest your child and showing them the way, is the secret. If your child is in sports--put the dates down on your calender and make sure if at all possible to attend those events. Supporting the child in their endeavors in big and small ways, will pay "big" dividends. This means to shut the television off and get involved in parenting.

Does this mean that a parent should never watch television? All I am stating that parenting comes before our selfish desires and wants. "On hands" parenting is hard work, along with the fun in seeing the child grow physically and spiritually.

Wisdom--When you do your "best" then you have to leave the results to God. Then we need to pray for them as they mature.


Unknown said...

Christian Nestell Bovee

Kitchen Experimenter said...

Thank you for filling the 2 missing letters in the quotation name. Never heard of Bovee. I got the quotation after discovering that the 6th and 7th words were "what the."

Pepper's Mom said...

I had just gotten as far as you had this morning and was looking it up to get the author's name. Instead I got your "blog". Interesting. I, too have earned my grey hair!!!

Observer said...

That was all good advice, and your last paragraph was the most important one! You can do everything right as a parent, but you always need to remember that the world and the devil are enemies to your family and your children! Pray, pray, pray for God's leading and protection for your children!!