Wednesday, July 1, 2009


You have heard of bats in the belfry, well one evening I was sewing in the dining room and I looked up and saw a BAT fly across my living room.

The girls and I were home alone since my husband was working 2ND shift. Quickly I closed the french doors leading to the living room. I wanted to at least contain the critter in one area. Now how was I going to get that bat out of the living room? I did not want to enter the living room and try to open the front door, as I heard that bats try to get in one's hair. The only recourse I had was to go outside and open the front door to the porch and turn on the porch light. I was hoping this would get the bat attracted to the light and out of the house. I told the girls to watch the "birdie" to see where it went and what my plans were.

The porch light went on and door left open and I proceeded to go outside and around to where I left the girls watching the "birdie". Well, they lost track of what the bat did and didn't know whether it flew out or not. Now what was I do do, knowing possibly a bat roaming around in my house since I didn't know where it went.

When my husband came home, I had him go in the living room and search high and low for that thing. Apparently it did fly out on it own.

How did it get in the house you wonder? I think it came down the fireplace and into the room. Other than that I don't have a clue.

Thought--We saw no more bats in our house. Thank heavens! Bats are right up there on my list of things I am afraid of, so am glad this was the end of the "BAT SAGA".

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