Tuesday, July 28, 2009


As I have stated before, I sewed the girls clothes a lot during those early years. This particular time they had a specific material and style they wanted and I tried to get the color, kind of material that they wanted. My younger daughter had one other request to this dress. I was not to get the material at this "Soup to Nuts" store I spoke of earlier.

My older daughter went with me to select the material. We went to every fabric store and could not find what her sister wanted. We found what my older daughter requested at the well known fabric store. There was only one store that possibly could have this particular fabric and color. You guessed it! It was this "Soup to Nuts" forbidden store. We had only one recourse left, could they, should we, dare we go look? Well we did go look there and SURE ENOUGH they had the exact material and color she was asking for. The quality of the material was A+ and should we buy it?

I came up with a plan. Since it was just what she wanted and good material, why would she have to know that it came from this "Soup to Nuts" store? I told my older daughter that we could just exchange bags that we purchased that day. Put Mary's material in this well known fabric store bag and Carol's in this other bag. Our younger daughter would not know the difference.

We got home and Mary was so pleased with our selection and noticed that we had not purchased it from this off limit store. All went just as planned!!! She loved her dress that I had made for her and it was time to mark the hem of the dress.

She put the dress on and as I was marking the hem, she kinda sniffed at the dress and said, "ARE YOU SURE YOU DIDN'T GET THIS FROM THE SOUP TO NUTS STORE?" I just couldn't contain myself. I burst out laughing so hard, that she knew I had deceived her. The cat was out of the bag, BIG TIME! One of those moments in time that is unforgettable and so funny yet to all of us.

Mary had a sensitive nose and she thought that "Soup to Nuts" store didn't smell the way most store should smell. This is why she didn't want to buy anything in that store.

Wisdom--Number 32:23b--ye have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out!! Indeed, my deception was brought into the light and was found out! To this day, I am not very good at lying, it is written all over my face.


Observer said...

So, did Mary wear the dress right away, or did she wait until the "fragrance" left? ;-)

neumo_rus said...

Since this has been at least forty some years ago, I just can't remember. I know you know the store and it did have everything that was leftovers from stores that went out of business or perhaps factory leftovers. Since you could buy nuts and bolts as well as yard goods, it took on a fragrance all its own within the store.