Saturday, July 18, 2009


The trip we took to Yellowstone National Park was probably the first big camping trip that we went on. The girls were quite small and we vacationed with my sister's family.

It seems like it was in August and Yellowstone during the night would get quite chilly. Thankfully, we had heavy sleeping bags and we were cozy warm. If I recall right, there was ice on top our car Carrier. The kids would huddle around a campfire to eat their breakfast in the mornings.

We traveled for three weeks, but was only in Yellowstone National Park for 2 1/2 days. During that time, we counted 81 bears. Now these bears might have been the same bears that kept reappearing at our campsite each day. We didn't have anyway of knowing. It seems to be that we have gone there since and the bear population has gone way, way, down. Maybe they have transported them back away from the populated area.

Thinking about those bears, we had just popped popcorn and some bears appeared in the campground. We quickly put the freshly popped popcorn in the car. Now this probably wasn't a good idea, as the kids were sleeping in the car during the night. We had gone to a ranger meeting and found out that bears will break the window out of the car if they smell food. You couldn't leave a cooler or anything out at the campsite, or it would be busted into by morning.

I don't know if it was this time or another trip we were at Yellowstone and had arrived back home the day the earthquake was taking place at Yellowstone. If we would have been there a week later we would have experienced it. It is my understanding that Old Faithful hasn't spewed out the water as high and as dependable on the exact hour as before that earthquake. The earthquake took place on August 17, 1959 and was 7.3---7.5 on the Richter scale. We were camping in Yellowstone National Park on August 10, 1959. Little did we know what was about to happen.

Thought--United States has so many beautiful places that God created. In Psalm 19:1 it says,
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."


Unknown said...

We were also in Yellowstone maybe 2 weeks or so before the big earthquake in 1959, probably just before you. I remember seeing alot of bears. There were fewer when I revisited about 13 years later.

Observer said...

I also remember our trip to Yellowstone, although I didn't remember it was 1959! Wow! 50 years ago! My most vivid memory of the trip was my Dad stacking a heavy box of firewood in front of the door of our cabin, trying to assure that no bears would get into the cabin at night!! It made a big impression on a 7 year old!