Wednesday, July 29, 2009


One of our nephews seemed to like to spend time at our house during Easter/holiday vacations.

This particular time he started to get sick and run a fever along with a rash. I quickly got my handy "Dr Spock book" out to see if I could determine what was wrong with him. I looked in his mouth and thought he had a spot in the back of his throat as this book described to look for when one has measles. Since I wasn't really sure what was wrong, I took him to our "trusty" Pediatrician.

I made the mistake of telling her what I thought he had. Wrong approach to a doctor since they want to tell you what is wrong.

She diagnosed him as having Scarlet fever. Well, since this was quite a serious disease and I thought it best if his parents knew about it. I proceeded to drive him back to his home.

When we took him home, his mother said that the school was clear full of measles and she thought perhaps I was right in my diagnosis. After all, aren't I known as Doc Neumo?
That should account for something!!!!

To this day, I do not know if it was Scarlet Fever or Measles. My suspicions are that he had the Measles since so many from his school had the Measles.

Wisdom--When you take a child to the doctor, let the doctor tell you what is wrong and not the other way around. I think I ruffled her feathers a bit that day and she was out to prove me wrong. She still was a fantastic doctor for our children, however.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


As I have stated before, I sewed the girls clothes a lot during those early years. This particular time they had a specific material and style they wanted and I tried to get the color, kind of material that they wanted. My younger daughter had one other request to this dress. I was not to get the material at this "Soup to Nuts" store I spoke of earlier.

My older daughter went with me to select the material. We went to every fabric store and could not find what her sister wanted. We found what my older daughter requested at the well known fabric store. There was only one store that possibly could have this particular fabric and color. You guessed it! It was this "Soup to Nuts" forbidden store. We had only one recourse left, could they, should we, dare we go look? Well we did go look there and SURE ENOUGH they had the exact material and color she was asking for. The quality of the material was A+ and should we buy it?

I came up with a plan. Since it was just what she wanted and good material, why would she have to know that it came from this "Soup to Nuts" store? I told my older daughter that we could just exchange bags that we purchased that day. Put Mary's material in this well known fabric store bag and Carol's in this other bag. Our younger daughter would not know the difference.

We got home and Mary was so pleased with our selection and noticed that we had not purchased it from this off limit store. All went just as planned!!! She loved her dress that I had made for her and it was time to mark the hem of the dress.

She put the dress on and as I was marking the hem, she kinda sniffed at the dress and said, "ARE YOU SURE YOU DIDN'T GET THIS FROM THE SOUP TO NUTS STORE?" I just couldn't contain myself. I burst out laughing so hard, that she knew I had deceived her. The cat was out of the bag, BIG TIME! One of those moments in time that is unforgettable and so funny yet to all of us.

Mary had a sensitive nose and she thought that "Soup to Nuts" store didn't smell the way most store should smell. This is why she didn't want to buy anything in that store.

Wisdom--Number 32:23b--ye have sinned against the Lord; and be sure your sin will find you out!! Indeed, my deception was brought into the light and was found out! To this day, I am not very good at lying, it is written all over my face.

Monday, July 27, 2009


I wanted to tell you about an unforgettable person named Lucile. Our girls were in grade school/junior high age and a new family came to our city and our church. He was an engineer and transferred to a manufacturing business that was located in our town.

He and his wife started attending our Sunday School class. We were in a new church building at the time and we had a class room that was quite unusual. Most rooms are square or rectangular, but this room was neither one of these. One of the walls was a mismatch of windows, etc. They asked for volunteers to work on what to do about these crazy windows and some semblance of continuity. Since I sewed a lot, I volunteered. Lucile said she would work on this project, also.

We got our heads together and started dreaming up things that we could do. She thought it would be wise to treat the wall as one large unit and make drapes for that wall. It would cost a lot of money to buy drapery fabric for this long wall. The only place I knew that wouldn't break our budget was to go to a store that sold "soup to nuts". They purchased things from stores that were going out of business. You could find everything in there, but you really had to be careful in your selection.

I asked her if she knew about this store. She said, "I sure do! Let's go see what they have in the way of drapery material." She was one positive lady and a gal after my own heart! They had Antique Satin material in bundles of different lengths. We purchased a batch of these bundles of fabric (enough that we thought would cover the wall). We unwrapped the bundles at my house and proceeded to sew drapes. I can still see her yet taking out these lengths of fabric (all different lengths) and saying, "When you are doing God's work, it will all fit together", as she was laying these panels over the doors until we had just the right panels that fit like a puzzle. We had just the right amount of fabric to cover the entire wall and the unusual windows looked like they belonged together.

The class wanted to reimburse us for the material (since it was obvious a lot of material). We told them that it was PAID FOR. The entire cost of this project came to $7.00. We stretched that dollar to the ultimate. We laughed about this many times.

We became friends for life! She was artistic and her home reflected her personality. In one of her bedrooms she had a family tree painted with her family pictures on the tree. She painted in one of her bathrooms a Murial free hand. Coming into her home was a foyer and steps leading to her basement. She had needle pointed each step depicting her husband and their life together. One step was double rings, another step was one of their homes, another step was the church, and memories of their past, and on down the steps it went. She was quite creative and she always did this on a limited budget. For instance, she needed a table between two chairs. She took an old suitcase that needed storing and made a round wood piece and sewed a tablecloth for it and Presto, she stored her suitcase and it became useful as a table when not in use.

Her heritage was Swedish and she created the most Divine goodies that ever was put in your mouth all on a faction of what these would cost if purchased at a bakery. Her spiritual gift was "Hospitality". She would invite people (no matter who) always to her home.

This was so true at Christmas time. Her picture window was decorated with "WISE MEN STILL SEEK CHRIST".

They are the family we visited 18 years ago back in Portland, Oregon. I will speak more about her and her family in some of my writings in the future.

Wisdom--WISE MEN STILL SEEK CHRIST!!!!! Oh how true this statement is!!! Seek your spiritual gifts and let God show Himself through you.

Sunday, July 26, 2009


I'm getting ahead of myself a little here, but thought since I was writing about traveling, I might as well tell you about a trip we took about 18 years ago.

We tried to do something special for each of our grandchildren, and Our oldest grandchild was just the right age to go on a month long trip with us to the Canadian Rockies and then on to Vancouver Island and then back through Oregon and the southern route home.

We tried to pick campgrounds that a boy about 12 would enjoy. Those included movies, swimming pools, small race cars and games that a 12 year old would enjoy. Most of these were at the campsites we chose. We attended a rodeo while on the trip. We tried to pack his favorite foods, as we didn't know what kind of stores we would run into in Canada and how far in the back country we were headed for.

Jamie (Our VIYB--very important young boy) was really the right age to enjoy such a trip. Today he tells us that he remembers everything about the trip and he too thinks it was just an ideal age. We weren't so lucky to be able to take our other grandchildren on this kind of an extended trip, due to activities they were involved in.

Back 18 years ago we or he didn't have a cell phone that he could call his parents or friends any time he wanted. We would make a point in letting him call home once a week. We thought this would keep him from getting homesick. He told us later, he only got homesick, after he had just finished talking with them on the phone.

He truly was a good little traveler, as he would get out and wash our windows when we stopped for gas, etc. He seemed to be a "happy camper".

As you well know, the Canadian Rockies are spectacular! Vancouver Island was great, also. We went to Waterton Lakes, Lake Louise, Banff National Park and then on to Vancouver Island. We got to visit close friends in Portland, Oregon. Jamie enjoyed the stories that were told while there.

Wisdom--We think it is wise to do something special for each grandchild. Sometimes it seems kinda hard, when the kids are in so many activities. Later, I will tell you more about our grandchildren, but thought it appropriate to tell about this trip now.

Friday, July 24, 2009


Our girls were studying about our government the year we went to Washington DC. Now this trip was one that I didn't want to take, but they so wanted to go see the White House, House of Representatives, etc. I think I wasn't too keen on going because of the traffic we would face and thought it might be a boring trip.

Well I was out-numbered and we went on a camping trip to Washington, DC. BORING IT WASN'T! I can truthfully say, it was the BEST trip we had ever gone on. Our older daughter planned out each day to the maximum. There were so much to see and so much history involved in our daily activities. We went to Mount Vernon and where Kennedy was buried (this was before they made the updated grave site). At that time there was the eternal flame by a simple grave.

The Smithsonian Institute is so interesting.

It truly was one of the most interesting trips we have taken and so much to see and learn.

I would not recommend camping close to the city now, but we did way back then. We camped in Alexandria, Va. in a private campground. We since have gone there, and didn't camp very close to DC.

Wisdom--Have an open mind and the things that you think might be boring, might truly surprise you and be the most exciting.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


It seems to me there is a Red Rock Canyon close to the Rocky Mountains as you are coming into the mountains. I am not sure the exact location, but I know it has a rocky steam running through the Canyon and the highway follows the stream. I'm not sure if that is the name of the Canyon stream or not. We have slide pictures of this beautiful Canyon.

Well, we camped in a camp ground that was located right along this stream. I just am foggy on the year, as we were at the Rocky Mountains a lot. It is one of our favorite vacation spots.

The year that I remember the most was when we had camped there and days later there was a huge "gully washer" in the mountains. All the water that poured in the mountains came rushing down the side of the mountain and right into this stream. The campground was flooded and the steam was in flood stage within minutes. I'm just grateful that we weren't camping there when this happened. The evening news told about the peril of these campers. One does really have to think of the possibilities when you set up camp.

Thought--"All creation is an outstretched finger pointing toward God." From Our Daily Bread.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


Have you ever seen something and it lingers in your head and when you see it again, you instantly recognize it?

Well, this was the case when we were driving back from a vacation. I was driving the car and a car was coming in the opposite direction. The man in the car had the window open and had his arm resting on the open window. As I was passing, I thought, THAT SHIRT! I KNOW THAT SHIRT! Funny, such an object of a shirt would attract your attention. Immediately, I knew who was driving. It was my brother and his family going on vacation to see our sister.

Now you might think I would recognize their car, but no they had purchased a new car and no way did I know the color or the make of the car. But, Oh that SHIRT! There was no other shirt in the world to compare it with. Nobody, but nobody could have a shirt as wild as that shirt, so that shirt belonged only to my brother. I slowed down and laid my hand on the horn in hopes that they would stop. This was a long shot, since they were traveling in the opposite direction. I guess, they recognized our car and us, also. We both stopped along the road and visited for awhile. This highway was no where near where we live and in another state. Just a chance meeting.

Wisdom--People are like that shirt, you leave an indelible impression on people. Make sure that the impression you are leaving is the one you want to make! We are not an island to ourselves!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Yes, we camped from sea to shining sea (Atlantic to the Pacific) and from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great Lakes and some of the Providences in Canada.

It is so wonderful to live in a land that we are free to come and go as we please. Sometimes I feel that the average American takes this privilege without much appreciation. I know I do at times. Not all countries you are this free. The song version says, "I'm proud to be an American where I know I'm free, God bless the USA!". Or something like that. Let us protect our freedom
and not let it slip away.

We camped in Canada around Lake Superior, and came through Sault Ste. Marie and back into Michigan on one of our trips.

This stands out in my memory because of how cold Lake Superior was and our younger daughter went swimming with her uncle in that lake. Bur-rrrr!!!! Also, we had quite a bit of flu bug during that trip. I believe everyone got sick but my husband. We packed up to move on to another campground and left our younger daughter's pajamas hanging on the line. She had gotten sick during the night and I hung them out to dry. Normally we leave the campground as neat as we can, so the other campers have a clean camp spot. I don't know how we missed getting the clothes line down and pajamas with us. Since I did most of the sewing for the family, I probably had to sew some more pajamas for her, since she would need an extra pair.

I don't know if this was the trip or not, but when we arrived in Holland, Michigan we camped right on Lake Michigan and it was so windy and cold the day we camped there, that we went to bed early just to keep warm. We probably didn't pack enough warm clothes. This is one of the things that you have to take in consideration when going on a camping trip. You need all kinds of clothes, for rain/shine, warm/cold weather.

Oh yes, my younger daughter wanted to swim in Lake Michigan, in spite of the cold water. She had an adventurous spirit.

Thought--Even though we no longer camp, I still get nostalgia when I smell firewood burning and steak, hamburgers, bacon frying. We still have "golden" memories in our golden years.

Monday, July 20, 2009

UCGOD2 ???

When we were driving home one time from vacation that we took in Michigan, I saw in front of us the licence plate that read "UCGOD2". I took a double take on that licence plate and INDEED I DID SEE GOD, TOO!

It was in the fall of the year and the trees were ablaze of color. How could you not see GOD in all of His SPLENDOR!!! You would have to be completely BLIND not to be aware of His handiwork.
The one that can't see is like the person that completely is BLIND to God's plan of salvation.
It is right before their eyes, but they can't see it. It is just too simple and Satan has blinded them to the TRUTH!

Wisdom--II Corinthians 4:4 states "In whom the god of this world (Satan) hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." I trust and pray "UCGOD2"!

Saturday, July 18, 2009


The trip we took to Yellowstone National Park was probably the first big camping trip that we went on. The girls were quite small and we vacationed with my sister's family.

It seems like it was in August and Yellowstone during the night would get quite chilly. Thankfully, we had heavy sleeping bags and we were cozy warm. If I recall right, there was ice on top our car Carrier. The kids would huddle around a campfire to eat their breakfast in the mornings.

We traveled for three weeks, but was only in Yellowstone National Park for 2 1/2 days. During that time, we counted 81 bears. Now these bears might have been the same bears that kept reappearing at our campsite each day. We didn't have anyway of knowing. It seems to be that we have gone there since and the bear population has gone way, way, down. Maybe they have transported them back away from the populated area.

Thinking about those bears, we had just popped popcorn and some bears appeared in the campground. We quickly put the freshly popped popcorn in the car. Now this probably wasn't a good idea, as the kids were sleeping in the car during the night. We had gone to a ranger meeting and found out that bears will break the window out of the car if they smell food. You couldn't leave a cooler or anything out at the campsite, or it would be busted into by morning.

I don't know if it was this time or another trip we were at Yellowstone and had arrived back home the day the earthquake was taking place at Yellowstone. If we would have been there a week later we would have experienced it. It is my understanding that Old Faithful hasn't spewed out the water as high and as dependable on the exact hour as before that earthquake. The earthquake took place on August 17, 1959 and was 7.3---7.5 on the Richter scale. We were camping in Yellowstone National Park on August 10, 1959. Little did we know what was about to happen.

Thought--United States has so many beautiful places that God created. In Psalm 19:1 it says,
"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."

Friday, July 17, 2009


The last writing I had mentioned that we went to EXPO (World's Fair) in Montreal. We took two weeks of our vacation to enjoy the fair. Of course it was a camping trip.

One of the days we were at the fair, it just poured down and we had quite a storm. In the evening when we returned to the campsite, we weren't sure what we would find. At least our camper was upright and seemed to be standing. We had a pop up camper and the side snaps were all unsnapped as the wind blew through the campground. We assessed the situation and found out that we were OK and not much damage had occurred. The campers next to us came over and said to us, "You guys were really lucky, because all of the campers that had a rig like yours, had the tarp blown off and their belongings were strewn all over the campground. They all packed up and headed for home." We were sorry for those campers but was certainly glad that our situation was all in tact.

During this two weeks we all ate the same, had the same amount of breakfast, lunch and supper. My husband and I weighed about the same in those days and he lost 5 lbs in two weeks and I gained 5 lbs. IT JUST ISN'T FAIR!! How could this happen? Our activities and calories were totally the same. The only thing that I could figure out was that my husband worried it off and I on the other hand, went with the flow! IT TAINT FAIR, I TELL YOU!

Our older daughter was our compass, as she navigated us around Montreal. If she hadn't been with us, I think we would still be up there wondering where we were. It is a BIG place.

Wisdom--God had to take care of us, as we were totally out of our element on this trip! Montreal has a lot of French speaking people and at gas stations we were lucky to find one that spoke English.

Thursday, July 16, 2009


Early on in our marriage we started camping due to a camping trip we went on with my sister and her family. WE WERE HOOKED! See "First try at camping".

Since the whole family loved to camp and travel, it became a "way of life" for us. When we planned vacations, it was most always a camping vacation. Most of the planning, packing and getting ready to go fell on my shoulders (I could do this ahead of our trip). Did I ever tire of camping? Well, I can honestly say no to this. There is nothing like sleeping out in the fresh air, right in the middle of God's creation! It seemed like we were having a picnic morning, noon and evening and then a bonfire with "Some mores" and fellowship with fellow campers. It cost a fraction of the cost to travel and the girls loved the experiences.

When we hit the campground, it seemed that all the stresses of life were diminished and things were put in prospective. The family unit was in tact and lessons were being learned as we were having a "ball". One big lesson in camping is "teamwork". Teamwork is so important in life. Some people never learn this vital component. We all pitched in and set our camper/tent up and got the site ready to sleep/eat for the evening. The girls were quite excited to help do this, since as soon as we were settled in, the fun began. There were pools, lakes, games and trails to explore as well as site seeing in the most beautiful landscape imaginable.

During our camping days, we traveled in 46 of the 50 states. Some of the states like California, Texas was just a tip of the state. We traveled in Canada to Lake Louise, Vancouver Island, World's fair in Montreal. I know that we would not have been able to go all these places, without breaking our budget, if we had not gone camping.

We often would go camping with friends. Stay tuned, as I will tell you a few experiences that we had during those "wonderful" camping days.

Wisdom--All the experiences, memories of those days still bring back such joy! TEAMWORK was the most valuable lesson I believe that was learned while having all this fun.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


This morning I got my cryptoquote figured out and this is what it says--"Judicious praise is to children what the sun is to flowers", by C. N. _o_ee.

I thought this quote sums up what parenting is all about. Give lots of sincere praise to your children and they thrive. A critical spirit will wither the child.

Another point about rearing children. Parents needs to be involved in their children's activities and events. There is no room for "arm chair" parenting. Just being home with a child, does not make you a good parent. Getting actively involved with what interest your child and showing them the way, is the secret. If your child is in sports--put the dates down on your calender and make sure if at all possible to attend those events. Supporting the child in their endeavors in big and small ways, will pay "big" dividends. This means to shut the television off and get involved in parenting.

Does this mean that a parent should never watch television? All I am stating that parenting comes before our selfish desires and wants. "On hands" parenting is hard work, along with the fun in seeing the child grow physically and spiritually.

Wisdom--When you do your "best" then you have to leave the results to God. Then we need to pray for them as they mature.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


Each summer the 4-H had Exhibit day, where the projects had to be completed, exhibited, and judged. If one didn't follow directions, you would be eliminated and not get a ribbon. Blue, red and white ribbons were given. Time after time, the girls brought home blue ribbons for their effort. A few times, they forgot to read the "fine" details and was eliminated for not following the rules.

After the judging the blue ribbons would be judged for "BEST OF SHOW". Both of the girls won best of show on many occasions. The best of show would go on to the State Fair and be judged there. Yes, their work was chosen on many occasions to be judged by the State Fair Judges. They would get a blue ribbons at the State Level. A lot of hard work went into each category they entered in. I was very pleased with all their efforts and results.

On exhibit day, our house was really a bee-hive. Cookies, breads, pastries, etc were made and put out on a platter to be judged. They always made these the morning of judging, as fresh baked items always tastes better.

Clothing exhibits were done on a separate day. They would model their clothes and both went to State fair in modeling many times. Our older daughter went to the State Fair with a "Make it with Wool" Plaid lined suit. She went because of her construction. She received a blue ribbon at the State Level. She entered this garment in "You make it with Wool" contest and received a blue ribbon there, also.

The girls learned a lot and along with them learning, I also learned. It was truly a win, win situation.

I highly recommend getting children involved in 4-H. In our county that we lived in, there were lots and lots of kids involved. I notice in the county that we live in now, it seems to be fewer and fewer.

Thought--I couldn't have been more proud of the girls accomplishments, if I tried. It was all worth the effort in teaching them basic skills.

Monday, July 13, 2009


Since the summer months were filled with 4-H projects to complete on time, we really had to juggle our vacation until the girls had the projects under control and ready for judging the finished product.

This particular year, we wanted to go to Winona Lake for a week, but the sewing projects were not quite to where you could be comfortable in leaving. The only alternative was that they did them a little while we were up having "fun".

The girls and I suggested that we could take the portable sewing machine along with us and we could go and have fun and still they could work on their sewing projects in between swimming, etc.

My husband on the other hand said, "WHAT DID YOU SAY WE ARE TAKING ALONG ON OUR CAMPING TRIP?" Well since he was truly out-numbered three to one, we took the sewing machine.

One of the lessons that I feel was so important that the girls learned, was finishing up something you have started, on time and according to the exact requirements. This is a lesson that everyone needs. Details to the details in a projects regardless of what you are doing, is a "life skill" that so many never learn. (I have struggled with this all my adult life). No I wasn't in 4-H as a child, and many projects I have started and then got side-tracked before completing my project. I learned along with my daughters many of these skills as they were taking projects.

I also learned how to stand up and lean over a sewing machine, without touching the fabric and letting the girls do their THING. (Remember, I had some independant girls). Believe me, I had many an aching back at the end of the day. It was a lot of hard work on the teaching end, to see them make mistakes, then rip it out, and start over again. Looking back on this, it was all worth it in the end.

Wisdom--Everyone needs to make mistakes and learn from their mistakes how to correct them. 4-H was helpful in "MAKING THE BEST BETTER".

Saturday, July 11, 2009


Of all the secular things that the girls participated in when they were young, I believe the 4-H club had the most lasting benefits.

The 4-H motto is "MAKE THE BEST BETTER". This was their goal with each project they took.

The 4-H pledge is:

My HEAD to clearer thinking,

My HEART to greater loyalty,

My HANDS to larger service,

My HEALTH to better living,

for my club, my community, and my country!

The girls were very busy taking many, many of the projects they offered. Without this organization, I probably would not know where to begin teaching all the "life skills" they learned.

They learned the correct way for baking, sewing, buying, decorating, flower arranging, etc. through trial and error and the projects they took. It was a year around kind of activity and culminated in the summer.

Stay tuned and I will tell you more in detail the projects they took and how they did on them.

Thought--It seems strange to me that the Government has cut back on funding 4-H (which has children busy learning constructive things and keeps them out of trouble), but they always have money for more prisons to put delinquents in when they get into trouble because of lack of things to do. Go figure!! This doesn't make sense to me.

Friday, July 10, 2009


After yesterday writing, I feel led to type the words to the song--"I know whom I Have Believed".

I know not why God's wondrous grace To me He hath made known,
Nor why unworthy--Christ in love Redeemed me for His own.

But "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able
to keep that which I've committed Unto Him against that day."

I know not how this saving faith To me He did impart,
Nor how believing in His Word wrought peace within my heart.

But "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able
to keep that which I've committed Unto Him against that day."

I know not how the Spirit moves, convincing men of sin,
Revealing Jesus thro' the Word, Creating faith in Him.

But "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able
to keep that which I've committed Unto Him against that day."

I know not what of good or ill May be reserved for me,
Of weary ways or golden days, Before His face I see.

But "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able
To keep that which I've committed Unto Him against that day."

"I know not when my Lord may come, At night or noon-day fair,
Nor if I walk the vale with Him, Or "meet Him in the air."

But "I know whom I have believed, and am persuaded that He is able
To keep that which I've committed Unto Him against that day."

Thought--Those that are reading this, I pray you too can sing with meaning the meaningful words of that Old Hymn. If you can't, I pray that you will come to a Saving Knowledge of Him, or come back to Christ. Christ is coming and it may be today!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Every morning when I get the paper, I try to do some of the puzzles they have. Cryptoquote, Jumble, Sudoku, etc. It is my way to sharpening up my mind. At my age, it needs quite a bit of attention to keep it sharp.

Today I figured out that the Cryptoquote was--"The chains of habit are too weak to be felt until they are too strong to be broken. Samuel Johnson"

Sin in ones life is like this, also. I have written in my bible the following quote from Mike Kellogg, "Through the Night" program from WMBI.
This is the quote--

"Sin will take you FARTHER than you want to go,
Keep you LONGER than you want to stay,
and COST you more than you want to pay."

How very true these statements are!!!

A few things I wrote down years ago and don't know where they originated from is--

Sow a thought

Reap an action

Sow an action

Reap a habit

Sow a habit

Reap a character

Sow a character

Reap a destiny!

Sin is an attitude of indifference toward God, characterized by an active or passive REBELLION
against God.

G reat
R iches
A t
C hrist's
E xpense


B asic
I nstructions
B efore
L eaving
E arth

Thought--I thought these above "tidbits" were like "nutshells" of wisdom. The bible has all the instructions we need.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Did you know that one can get stressed out and not even know what is wrong? Often times, one can be so intensely trying to be "all things" to all people and you build up stress in your life.

Well this was the way I felt many years ago when the girls were little. I wondered what was the matter with me. My chest felt tight and I just was not feeling physically well for a few days. A couple days I laid around wondering what was wrong and what I should do about it.

While this was happening, I turned on the television (which I never had on much during the day). I came across the movie "The Reluctant Astronaut". Don Knotts starred in it. I laid on the davenport and laughed and laughed and laughed some more. I thought it was the funniest movie I had ever seen.

When the movie was over, guess what! The tightness I felt in my chest and the stress I had built up was gone. Yes, GONE!!!! I know the laughing that I did all during the movie, relieved my stress. I had really nothing I could pin-point why I was stressed, other than daily living. Everything in my family was going well.

Wisdom--In Proverbs 15:13 is says, "A merry heart maketh a cheerful countenance: but by sorrow of the heart the spirit is broken." Also, in Proverbs 17:22 it says, "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones". I realized that truly a "GOOD BELLY LAUGH" is good for what ails you. This was really true that day that I needed a "good belly laugh". Don Knotts could deliver that in a person very fast. Just looking at him would produce a laugh. After that, I highly recommend a "merry heart" to cure what ails you.

Monday, July 6, 2009


I wonder what we would do without grandchildren! They are such a blessing!

Our granddaughter came over to help with the landscaping today. She also got busy and cleaned out a closet or two. She is a whirlwind at working! I think her parents taught her how to work and give it your all! Way to go Jodi! I love you very much and you make me very proud.

I remember her when she was really very small and wanted to help with work around the house. She wasn't very old (like 2 1/2 or 3 at the most). I gave her a cloth and told her she could wipe my walls down in the kitchen. I still have a picture of her doing just that. The cloth didn't have any water on it. She was so wanting to help. Precious memories!

We had a great day on the 4Th with family.

Thought--These summer days are such joy! We plan to go where our daughter lives tonight and enjoy a concert on the Quad at the University where her husband teaches.

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Today our country is celebrating the 4Th of July and our independence. Our country has been founded on great principles for which we all should be very thankful.

We plan to go to our grandson and wife's home later today. We can see the fireworks from their lawn. That is if they have fireworks, since it is raining this morning. We will have a blast, whether we see the fireworks or not.

May you have a "great 4Th of July and God Bless our Country".

Wisdom--The best Constitution in the world is the Bible. God's word will change our lives if we let God speak to us through His word.

Friday, July 3, 2009


After I made the decision to be a "stay-at-home" mom, I decided to sell Avon to get those things that were "nice" to have, but not necessary in the long range scheme of things.

The girls were in Grade School, Junior High, and High School when I started selling these products. It didn't take that many hours out of my day, and I was my own boss and could go and come as I pleased. So I thought this was the way for us to have a few luxuries, without diving into our savings that were put there for important "future" needs.

I do think it was good way to make a little extra, while still basically being at home.

I learned to meet many wonderful people, as well as dealing with people in all walks of life.

One thing I learned quite fast, was that I wasn't the best housekeeper in the world, BUT I SURE WASN'T THE WORST, either. This would do two things for me. One being, that I better go home because their house looks so clean, and I better clean up my house. Then on the other hand, (I would think), I better go home and clean up my house, because I sure don't want to let my house get to looking like this one. This is when I would see a house that needed a lot of TLC done to it.

No matter what, people are people, and all of them I enjoyed visiting and selling to them.
Some of them had their priorities a "tad" different than what I thought ought to be done.

We kept the money received from Avon in a separate bank account. When I had paid all my bills, and the money that was left, was ours to spend on "frills". Many things was purchased because of this account. Some that come to my mind, a pop-up camper, breakfront, remodeled upstairs. There were a lot of little projects, also.

There were a lot of humorous stories that came out of my selling Avon. So numerous, that I don't think I will write about them.

Wisdom--When the girls got older, I would purposely, leave dishes to be washed, beds to be made, so when I got home, I could see that they were learning to be self-reliant. Which is really what people all should eventually become.

Thursday, July 2, 2009


As you all know we sent our girls to a private church school for the early years of study. There were all kinds of competition between schools.

Both of my girls did quite well on these events and brought home blue ribbons. On occasions they would get a red ribbon, but not too many.

I can't remember all what they competed in, but I know some was in Bible, spelling, math, etc.

Thought--It is good that children strive to do their best in whatever they are doing. I guess the competition gave them the incentive to study so they would do their best. I just got done mowing the lawn and am tired after eating breakfast out with out Bible Study group. Maybe that big stuffed pancakes with bananas and strawberries did me in.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


You have heard of bats in the belfry, well one evening I was sewing in the dining room and I looked up and saw a BAT fly across my living room.

The girls and I were home alone since my husband was working 2ND shift. Quickly I closed the french doors leading to the living room. I wanted to at least contain the critter in one area. Now how was I going to get that bat out of the living room? I did not want to enter the living room and try to open the front door, as I heard that bats try to get in one's hair. The only recourse I had was to go outside and open the front door to the porch and turn on the porch light. I was hoping this would get the bat attracted to the light and out of the house. I told the girls to watch the "birdie" to see where it went and what my plans were.

The porch light went on and door left open and I proceeded to go outside and around to where I left the girls watching the "birdie". Well, they lost track of what the bat did and didn't know whether it flew out or not. Now what was I do do, knowing possibly a bat roaming around in my house since I didn't know where it went.

When my husband came home, I had him go in the living room and search high and low for that thing. Apparently it did fly out on it own.

How did it get in the house you wonder? I think it came down the fireplace and into the room. Other than that I don't have a clue.

Thought--We saw no more bats in our house. Thank heavens! Bats are right up there on my list of things I am afraid of, so am glad this was the end of the "BAT SAGA".