Monday, September 7, 2009


College registration papers are quite important when you are going to a large university. Without them, you are just a # and apt to hear, "next please"!

I'm not sure whether this was the first or 2ND year we were taking our younger daughter off to school. I was working and we took her after both my husband I had gotten off work. Since we hadn't eaten, we stopped by a fast food place to eat. We were all loaded and as soon as we ate we left.

We got her all settled in the 4-H house (this is where she lived), and was ready to come back home. She said to us, "Did you bring my purse in?" I said, "No, we didn't see your purse."
This purse held her college registration papers in it. She needed those the next morning in the very worst way. We doubled checked the car, all the stuff and no purse. We called the place where we stopped for a quick bite to eat, and got the same results. No one had turned in the purse.

We proceeded to go on home. While going home, the thought came to mind of how God was so interested in us that He knew the very number of hairs on our head. Well, (I thought) what good is this information? The kind of information that is helpful is like Registration Papers, etc.
After praying and thinking about this, the "light bulb" went on. Counting our hair on our head is just how DETAILED He was interested. Now if God would be that interested in us, then God was really interested in this LOST PURSE and REGISTRATION PAPERS! By the time we got back home, I was sure that the purse would be hanging on our doorknob when we arrived home.

We came to the intersection where we turned to eat that night prior to our driving her to school. I mentioned to my husband, why don't we go past and see if we happen to see the purse close to where we ate a few hours earlier. No purse was found close to where we ate. I walked up to the counter (remember I had phoned them earlier and they said that no purse was found) and asked them again if they happened to find a purse. They looked under the counter, and someone had turned in a purse and it was our daughter's. We drove back and gave it to her yet that evening and she was "good to go".

Wisdom--In Matthew 10:30 it says--"But the very hairs of your head are all numbered". In the previous verse, it told about two sparrows and if one falls God knows about them. Oh how little faith I had that evening! In Matthew 21:22 it states--And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. These scriptures came alive that evening so long ago! This is why some people refer to the Bible as the LIVING WORD.

1 comment:

Berjo said...

I still have problems with losing things! It must be in my blood-----but I'm sure God has angels looking out for me!