Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Since I was on the subject of lost items, I will tell you about the lost billfold. It was Dad's day at the University where our younger daughter was going to school. After leaving him off at the 4-H house, I proceeded to go shopping at a well known shopping area. I had the whole day to "goof off", so wasn't in a hurry.

I decided to stop for a snack at this open snack bar in the mall. I looked down and a black billfold
laid on the floor under my feet. I picked it up and noticed it was a man from Chicago that had lost his billfold. I proceeded to eat what I had bought and thought what I was going to do with this billfold. The first thing I thought about, I did. I turned it in at the cashier checkout. I figured that he would trace back to the spot that he used the billfold last and check there first. Whether it was the best way our not. I never did know whether he received his billfold back or not.

If I was to think this out, I probably would have mailed it or try to phone him that I had it. That way, I would have been certain that he received it back. However, he might have still needed it yet that morning or day.

Wisdom--People in general are honest and if given the chance, they will do the right thing. I was so grateful for an honest person that turned our daughter's purse in that day with the registration papers she needed. I never knew who did this and neither did this gentleman know who turned in his billfold. I trusted the cashier to do the right thing, also. I'm sure he was as thankful as we were to get our lost item back.

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