Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yesterday was my last grandchild's birthday. We lived about 600 miles away from my daughter and her husband when she was born. Our oldest daughter was overdue and I was going to go out and take care of her other children while she was in the hospital and after she came home. This was 26 years ago.

I was working and we waited until past her due date to drive out there. Since she was a couple days over her due date, we thought it would be safe to go. Surely it wouldn't be many days before we were needed.

We started early in the morning and traveled all day. This was before cell phone usage and instant messages being sent. We arrived in the city that the hospital was located and in fact, we were driving past the hospital. I mentioned to my husband, that perhaps we should check in at the hospital before driving to the next town (where they lived) and finding out she had already been admitted to the hospital and then have to turn around and come back.

We did that and went up the admission desk and inquired whether our daughter was in the hospital. The gal at the desk said, "Yes she was, and she just now had her baby"! Now that was quite good timing!!! We traveled 600 miles and arrived right when our grandchild was born.
We had a beautiful baby girl and she still is a beautiful girl. (Our Sweetie-Pie--The Frosting on the Cake!)

This isn't the only time that this happened to us. One time we were driving from our home to our oldest daughter's home (she had moved closer) and we were to meet our nephew at her house. He had about 400 miles to drive that day and we had about 75 miles to drive after work.
We were at this intersection where one interstate was intersecting another interstate and right at the fork where they came together, we looked over and saw his car and trailer at the exact time we approached that point. He followed us in to our daughter's home since he had never been at their new home. Now that is what I call "SPLIT TIMING" and very unplanned.

Thought--We need not be concerned about our timing, God will work things out with His precision timing! Scripture states in Psalms 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way". You know God calls all Christians Saints. So I believe that we are included in that verse. There are no coincidentals with God!

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