Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I thought today I will tell you about the "NO FOOD" day. This took place about 1945--46.
I was out of high school and had gone to Business School and working, and came home for the weekend. I wanted to try new recipes out and every recipe that I wanted to try, my parents lacked an ingredient or two.

I complained to dad that they lacked a lot of supplies in the way of food. Now you know by the previous writings, that we had an abundance of food, with my mother's canning, plenty of meat, etc. Dad laughed and told me to make out a list of what they lacked and he would buy it. I made a list of a lot of staple items, so that when I would come home, I would have the ingredients for the new recipes that I wanted to try out.

He took the list to the local grocery store, handed the list to the manager and laughingly said that his daughter thought they didn't have anything to eat at home. He would come back later and pick up the groceries (Yes, the small town grocery stores did that in those days).

He came home that day with $20 worth of groceries (a whopping big order). There were no meat involved, so it was strictly shelf life groceries.

Dad proceeded to bring in the sacks of groceries from the car. He brought in sack after sack, after sack of groceries. I couldn't believe all the sacks that he purchased that day. There was no end to the sacks. Dad really got a kick out of this, since never in my growing up years, we lacked in any kind of food. It is a day that stands out still in my memories. It shows that dad did have quite a sense of humor. We also, was coming out of the depression years quite well and $20 was easier to come by.

Thought for the day--Just think of what $20 buys today, and compare it with what it bought in the 40's. You are lucky if you come home with a 1/2 bag full of groceries today. INFLATION!!!!

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