Monday, April 20, 2009


Last Friday our youngest daughter had knee surgery and it came out just fine. She already is back to school and it went well today. She said that she took it rather slowly and easy today. I'm sure the kids could tell she was all bandaged up. On Saturday she had a C-scan on her lungs. There was a spot that showed up and so they wanted to test it out further.

Good news on that also, it was only scar tissue. I had peace about it, but it sure pays to check things out further.

Wisdom--God gives peace in the times of storm and uncertainty in our lives. We only have to "trust" him through those times. I've had a few storms in my eighty plus years!!! Each time, one needs to renew their faith and trust in God. It gets easier as the years go by; but we tend to waiver and doubt even though God faithfulness has been proven over and over.

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