Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 4, 1921 & April 4, 2009!!!!

It's been a whole month since I have been able to get on and write something. My computer was down most of the time and of course there was quite a bit of work to be done. But--here I am back! You know the old saying, a bad penny always returns!

Yesterday was my husband's birthday. He turned 88 years of age. Last Sunday, we celebrated his birthday at one of our daughter's home. We played many of the games that we found in Evelyn's apartment that the girls had fond memories of playing when they were a child.

Yesterday, we just went to a steak house (Logan's) and had a good dinner. Jamie brought my computer back and it is up and running. Thanks a lot Jamie!!!!

April 4th turned out to be a big RED LETTER DAY all around! Our oldest granddaughter went to the hospital and had a baby girl. Her name is Abigail Grace. She weighed a whopping 10# 1 oz. Now I think that is quite a GIRL!!!

No wonder that our daughter when she went up there on Friday evening said that she was as big as a barn. Our granddaughter is quite a small girl, and she was really heavy with child the night before she gave birth. I thought it would be a boy, but I certainly was hoping that it would be a little girl, since I know this was what our granddaughter wanted. She has a 15 month old boy at home, so it was nice for them to have one of each now. They didn't want to be informed what they were going to have until he/she was born. What a great birthday present my husband received yesterday (a great granddaugher to share birthdays together).

Wisdom--One never appreciates what you have, until it has been taken away from you. I didn't know how much I would miss my computer, but I soon learned that I lean on it in so many ways. I write letters, check the gas prices and my e-mails each day. One just doesn't realize how dependent we are on the luxuries we never dreamed of as a child.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Glad the computer is up and running. And congrats to the Redoutey's and the Aaron's and to you on the new baby!
