Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Even though I was working and had my own apartment/room, I still went home a lot on weekends (Via Greyhound bus). This particular weekend I had taken the bus and on the way back the bus was going past the church that I had been attending. I thought that if I went to the bus stop and came back, I would be too late. So I asked the bus driver let me off on this particular corner, which was just 1 block away from the church. I had my suitcase and placed it in the vestibule of the church.

After church I saw a couple that lived close to where I needed to go home. I asked them how they were going home, since they too did not own a car. They told me who they were riding with. I asked them, "Do you suppose they would have room for 1 more?" Of course, this was really a help, since I would have had to lug my suitcase on a city bus to go home and it was about 9:30 PM. I didn't know who was to take us home, but it turned out to be my future husband, his sister and mother.

His sister asked me if I would like to attend a "Cosmetic Party" the next evening. I said, that I would be interested in going, but didn't want to come alone. I asked if I could invite my roommate and we could walk there and come back home together. (I did not like to walk after dark down lonely streets). Call me "chicken" if you like, but I thought it wise even way back then. I got home, and my roommate had other plans and couldn't go. I called them up and explained the situation and my future husband's sister volunteered her brother to escort me home. That seemed like a good plan, so I went. Her brother had a date that night but came home early so he could take me home. Now you know how "Irresistible I was in the past" and so . . . . . .
The very next night he called and wanted to know if I would like to go to see "Showboat" at Purdue University on the coming Friday? Well, this sounded like a nice play and so I said "yes".

The rest is history, even though it took quite awhile before I realized that he possessed qualities that I could marry.

Wisdom--Be where God wants you to be and who knows what He has in store for you. It might be your future husband!

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