Thursday, April 30, 2009


When we first had gotten married, I wondered how we would have enough money to pay the BIG items on our list. Like, insurance (fell due once a year), rent each month and the bigger items that MUST be paid.

I was kinda living from paycheck to paycheck after I had gotten a job and sure wanted money to pay the bigger items when they fell due. My husband wasn't as concerned about this, since he hadn't lived from paycheck to paycheck before he was married, so it would go along just like it did prior to marriage. (I guess, that is why he was a tad concerned about my spending all my paycheck just a few days before we married.)

I came up with a solution on my own. I divided the bill up and each paycheck I put X amount in an envelope for that particular bill. This amount of money was NEVER, NEVER to be taken out until the bill was due and paid. You know what? It worked!! No matter how crude it was, it worked!! We never lacked money for any bill that came in. One thing, I guess, it would have been better had I put it in the bank to get a little interest. Well at least, I was thinking in the right direction.

When I went grocery shopping at first, my husband asked me what a certain item cost. I couldn't give him an answer. He said to me--"Don't you compare prices on items?" Well, no!
Not a very good idea. When I was single, I couldn't buy in bulk, or out of season clothes, because the paycheck only had enough to buy essentials for that week. I bought toothpaste in small tubes, because the big tubes would eat up too much of that weeks pay. He helped me see the light on this "folly" way of thinking.

Then we wanted to buy a television. We had the money in the bank saved, but I asked dad if he would loan us the money, since I knew we would pay him back, but I wasn't sure we would pay the savings account back. My dad went along with my immature thinking and loaned us the money. I was right, we paid dad back in installments, but no interest. Dad didn't want any interest.

This was my "humble" way of getting on a budget and putting away money to pay each bill as they came in and enough laid back to save for unexpected bills.

Wisdom--Make a plan, stay on your plan, and make your plan WORK! Today we don't necessarily have these kinds of problems, so we "SPLURGE" if we want to, but you know what, we still cling to the conservative side of spending, even today.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Yesterday, I gave a lesson on purchasing items on line. The lesson I took was from the University of Illinois and I was to bring it back to our local unit. It was kinda like the blind leading the blind, as I am a novice at this, for sure. The gal that I took the lesson from was very informative and I hope that I was able to convey the important aspects of the lesson to those I spoke to yesterday.

Since I was working most Saturdays at General Motors (paid time and half for Saturday work), my husband of a few short weeks, asked me if he could help with dinner. That way, it would be fixed when I got home. I tried to tell him how to fix Chili, since it was about the easiest kind of meal he could put together. I explained each step and what ingredients to add. I told him that if you put it on and let it simmer for awhile, it enhances the flavor. Well, he carefully did each step as I wrote it down.

When I got home, my what an aroma was coming out of the upstairs apartment. The people downstairs was wondering what was cooking upstairs, as it permeated the whole neighborhood.
I quickly found out what the problem was. My husband had put in a quart of my mother's canned tomato condiment (made especially for meats--very potent) by mistake. Whoa, was it stout and had to be thrown out. I think we went out to eat that night. The main part, he was so willing to help in any way, that I was totally appreciative of his effort. My husband still hasn't gotten the knack of cooking today, but he is always willing to help when I am sick. He is a great helper, even though he doesn't cook too well yet.

Wisdom--It is always wise to pitch in and help each other after a days work. Both are just as tired (either mentally or physically) and a helping hand makes a world of difference, whether it is mowing the lawn or running a vacuum sweeper. I remember the motto "If mom isn't happy, nobody is happy!"

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


When people get married each one brings into the marriage some baggage and some good qualities and then they try to start a blended new life.

It really wasn't that hard for my husband and myself, since we basically had the same values and very similar background. It was just the little things that we had to work out, like squeezing the toothpaste. I would squeeze it in the middle, and he would roll it at the end and put a rubber band on it so it didn't unroll.

Of course, it is the little things that you jump out at you at first. Like when I opened the medicine cabinet and there was shaving supplies instead of "girls things".

I had rescued him from being a ("set in his ways") confirmed bachelor. He was rather used to getting along with women, since he lived at home after he came back from the service. His mother trained him well, as he always took out the trash and helped around the house at home. When I started washing dishes, he would grab a towel and start drying them. I did not have to ask him to help, he was already trained to be thoughtful. I am most thankful for his mother's foresight in this matter. He had a sister, so he knew how to get along with her, so I guess he was prepared to blend with someone else in his life.

Since I was working, this was really a plus in adjusting to each other. I really feel sorry for the guys that had their mother wait on them hand in foot and come into a marriage thinking their wife will become their second mother. Men need to carry their weight around the home and it should start from day one.

The more people are different, the harder it is to adjust to a new life together. The first Sunday came and he said it it time to go to Sunday School. I was kinda laid back and chose the Sunday's I went to Sunday School. I liked that about him, because he was the "spiritual leader" in our household. There were other things that was hard for him to make up his mind on, and I was used to a strong decisive man (my father) that decisions were easy for him to make. It took patience on my part to wait for him to make up his mind. I am the kind that decisions isn't that difficult to make and it was hard for me to wait on his pondering over decisions.

Wisdom--The bible contains all the nutrients for a healthy relationship.

Monday, April 27, 2009


We had one week for our honeymoon to the Smoky Mountains and on the way back, we arrived back where we rented our apartment and it was straight up noon. My husband wanted to go home and fix dinner there. I didn't want to because, I hadn't shopped for any groceries and didn't even have salt and pepper in the cupboards. I wanted our first cooked dinner to be something "very special". He was just being practical. Clash!!!

We were going by this grocery store (mom and pop store) and who should be coming out of the store, but my husbands mother. She was all smiles and invited us to her house for dinner! She saved our marriage!!! Oh, I'm just being dramatic, but it solved our problem.

Also, it was the very first time I had ever been away from home that nobody knew where we were at any given moment. I thought my parents could have died and buried, and we wouldn't know about it. We didn't think that we could have used a telephone to check things out. In those days, we only called long distance when it was an emergency. My mother's-in-law smile told all was well on the home front that day. Looking back on this, I was really rather silly, don't you think!!!

Later in our marriage we took off camping on trips and no one knew how to contact us. All they knew was what direction we were headed toward. I must have grown up a bit. This was 59 years ago. How time has flown by.

Thought--I have found out that the things that I loved about my husband way back 59 years ago, is still as strong today as then. The things I didn't much care for (yes, everyone has a few) are still as strong today as way back then. Like, my husband isn't particular what I fix him to eat, but he wants to eat it ON TIME. So when it is NOON, it's time to eat!!! He is so dependable and says what he means and means what he says. This is something that I have appreciated down through the years. He is always prompt! You can set your watch by it. He is as honest as the day is long! His word you always can count on. I love this about him still. I'm more out-going and he could be a little more out-going, but I learned one never changes the other, we just accept each other.

Saturday, April 25, 2009


Today we got to see our new great-granddaughter for the first time. She is absolutely precious!!! We will soon have three great-granddaughters and one great-grandson. We have been blessed with 2 daughters, 2 great sons-in-law, 5 wonderful grandchildren, (including our married grandchildren's wives and husband) and soon to be four great grandchildren.

God has certainly enriched our lives! Those great grandchildren are a breath of fresh air.

Wisdom--The best safeguard for the younger generation is a good example by the older generation. Oh Lord, let us never be a stumbling block to what has been entrusted to us, is our sincere prayer.

Friday, April 24, 2009


We were getting everything completed for the "BIG DAY" and it was the Friday before the Sunday we were to be married. My husband was making sure we had enough money along on our trip to the Smoky Mountains, and was thinking out loud, "I have my paycheck and you just got paid today"-----

"Oh but", I said and continued, "I have spent all my paycheck"! In all seriousness he said, "I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN AFFORD YOU"! Can you imagine me being a big spend thrift? Unless, I had different SPOTS in those days than I do now!!

I was working at General Motors in the office payroll department, and I had just gotten paid, but during the week I had purchased a lot of undergarments, lingerie things since this was the last things I would purchase because I had all I could do to get the outer garments paid for, let alone the garments that didn't show. I learned fast after getting my first job--that dad's money went further than mine. I was on my own now and when the paycheck ran out, I stopped buying things. Unlike kids today, they keep buying whether they have any money or not. I never had any debts to my name but women's salaries weren't up to men's salaries in those days. They didn't have personal showers like they do today for girls, so I thought it was time for me to splurge on unmentionables since mine were rather "Lacy" and that not in a good way. I did have a cedar chest, a sewing machine, Silverware, pots and pans and a few things collected for a "Hope Chest". That was IT!! Our church had a shower, but showers in those days weren't like they were today. You used what they gave you, and you didn't register for things, etc. I was truly grateful for the things that people gave me at the shower and for wedding presents.

Well, he got over that initial shock and the wedding took place, with his mother in charge of the reception.

Thought--Working for General Motors at the time, I would have never dreamed that they would be in such trouble as they are today. They were going "great guns" and I was working overtime on Saturday, just to keep the work up. It was an honor to work at this company. How 59 years can change things around!!!! They also had "cost of living" checks during the year. This would go up or down accordingly.

Oh yes, he soon learned that I was not indulgent spender after all!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009


Since we didn't have much time, we searched for an apartment. A family from our church happened to have an apartment to rent that consisted the entire upstairs to their home. We thought it was nice and had plenty of room. It consisted of--kitchen, living room, alcove, dining room, bedroom, private bath, front porch on 2nd level, 2 closets, front and back entrances.

Now we had to go out and find furniture to fill this space. We went out on a Monday night (stores remained open that night), and purchased new the following--Gas stove, refrigerator, bedroom suite, davenport & chair, 2 end tables, coffee table, desk, and 12 X 12 living room carpet and this was all done from 5--to store closing. We had money (well I didn't have any money so I should have said HE had money) to pay cash for these items. If I had to do it all over again, I would have taken my time to pick out these items, but we did a good job anyway.

Now we had to decide where we were going on that honeymoon! You know I hadn't done much traveling, so wherever we went would be an adventure! We settled on "The Smoky Mountains" in Gatlinburg, Tn.

Since it was a small informal wedding, I just picked out a simple attire. It however, cost $100 back then. No small chunk of change. It happened to be designer outfit and that is why it cost so much.

My dad said he would give me $25.00 for a reception, if I wanted one. I know what you are thinking--NO WAY--but my future mother-in-law said she would take care of all of the arrangements and she stayed within the budget. Remember what $20 bought in groceries when I told dad we didn't have food. There were no end to the sacks of groceries he purchased that day.

Things were moving along quite well--BUT . . . . . . Read about that BUT tomorrow.

Tribute to my Future Mother-in-law--My husband was in the service and since his mother was widowed at a young age, my husband would get extra money to send home to his mother each month he got paid. Instead of using this money for herself, she squirrelled it away to give to him when he returned. She was self reliant and had a true mother's attitude!!! She also, knew how to stretch that dollar to go further than anybody I know of. This is how my husband was able to pay cash for all that furniture we bought that night. Also, as a wedding present from his mother, she got us a used dining room suite. (six chairs, table, buffet). My parents bought a washer for us as a wedding present. We were very fortunate, indeed!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


The year was 1950 and we became engaged and set the date for May 14, 1950. This happened to be on Mother's day, but it was the only date we could find that we could get my vacation dates, his vacation dates and our Pastor available to marry us, coordinated on the same day and week. So . . . . . . . , May 14Th was it.

We didn't want a big wedding, but just a few. We set the time at 2 O'clock that day, so if someone wanted to come they could, but they would really have to make an effort to come, since it was on Mother's Day. I'm not sure how many did come, but 60 seems to be in my mind.

My husband proposed to me after he had picked me up at my parents home one week-end. This was about in March of 1950. You can see that we didn't have much time to prepare, but most weddings back in those days weren't very elaborate and so we didn't need much time for preparations.

I wasn't planning on a reception, so there wasn't much other things to think about. We did have to hunt a place to live and where we would go on a honeymoon.

Thought--It seemed that even with a short time to prepare, it all worked out quite well. Tomorrow I will tell you more about that.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Since we were on the subject of storms in our life, I thought it appropriate to tell about a storm that happened one sunny July 4Th. It was when our granddaughter was between her Junior and Senior Year at college. She had her Senior recital at the end of her Junior year and was looking forward to smooth sailing throughout her Senior year. Well, the smooth sailing was not quite how it turned out. I will try to tell you some of the details of it now.

Our granddaughter had gone to some friends house by a lake on this specific fourth of July. They had a rig set up where you would grab a hold of a rope and it would take you sailing down to the lake and you jumped off into the lake and could swim back. All went well until the apparatus shook a bit and our granddaughter lost her grip and landed on the ground below. (It was about a 15 foot fall). It was far enough to do a great deal of damage to her heal and her wrist and elbow. For a piano major, this was a devastating news. She had performed an absolutely flawless recital yet that spring and was well on her way in her endeavored field.

They took her in to the hospital and the doctor tried to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. She had shattered tiny bones in her wrist that needed to be reset and fixed as well as elbow and heel bones to pin together, or she would never be able to play the piano like an accomplished pianist again.

She was to play at our grandson's wedding in just about a month. Now it was looking grim, if she would ever get to see her dreams of just playing come to pass.

Many people prayed for her throughout the surgery and through the night. Her mom literally walked around the hospital crying out for His WILL to be done in her life. I was praying at home and reading scripture and the thought came to me and I received peace from it. The thought was--When God gave our granddaughter the GIFT of music, He knew then this accident would happen, so if she was to use her GIFT, He would just have to restore her and give it BACK TO HER ONCE AGAIN!!!

She came through the surgery and her Piano professor from college came to visit her. They both knew this was a tremendous UPHILL battle she was facing.

With determination and the help of God, she went back to school that fall in a wheel chair and finished her Senior year.

After much effort and therapy God did answer our prayers, and gave her the ability to play beautifully again. She went on to teach piano while getting her Masters degree in Piano Pedagogy.

We learned what great parents she had during these months. Her dad built a ramp for her to come and go that summer and built a ramp at the Sorority House so she could function while she was wheeling around to classes. She healed and no longer needs the wheel chair and is the proud mother of a 15 month old and a newborn girl. Read again, "OUR CUTIE IS ONE TODAY".

Wisdom--As the Israelites remembered what God did for them, let us not forget what GOD IS DOING FOR US ON A DAILY BASIS! Pound another nail into the side of the barn!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009


Last Friday our youngest daughter had knee surgery and it came out just fine. She already is back to school and it went well today. She said that she took it rather slowly and easy today. I'm sure the kids could tell she was all bandaged up. On Saturday she had a C-scan on her lungs. There was a spot that showed up and so they wanted to test it out further.

Good news on that also, it was only scar tissue. I had peace about it, but it sure pays to check things out further.

Wisdom--God gives peace in the times of storm and uncertainty in our lives. We only have to "trust" him through those times. I've had a few storms in my eighty plus years!!! Each time, one needs to renew their faith and trust in God. It gets easier as the years go by; but we tend to waiver and doubt even though God faithfulness has been proven over and over.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


What am I going to type today isn't original, but very meaningful each time I read it. It came from the book "Come Away My Beloved" by Frances J. Roberts.

O My beloved, be not anxious concerning tomorrow. Thou shalt encounter nothing of which I am not already cognizant. My mercy is concealed within every storm cloud. My grace flows beneath every cross-current. My wisdom has conceived a solution to every perplexity.

I have deliberately set obstacles in thy path to test thy prowess. I shall not always cause favorable winds to blow upon thy barque, for then ye would be at ease and would soon grow soft and dull. It is when the wind is high and the waves are threatening that ye become alert and keen, and thus I can strengthen your spiritual fiber.

The storm is not a thing to fear but rather to welcome. Ye shall learn to head into the wind with sheer delight as soon as ye have made the discovery that in the time of stress and strain, ye have the clearest revelations of Myself.

Was it not true of the disciples? Looking out across the raging waters, what did they see? Was it not Jesus? Jesus--coming unto them! To have had this happen only once, would have been worth weathering many storms.

In the midst of the multi-heated fiery furnace, what saw the three Hebrew lads? Was it not the living form of Jesus Christ Himself having come to join company with them? Yea He shone so bright to them that His brilliance obliterated the sight of the flames!

Nay, ye need have no fear. Ye need not fear the fickleness of providence--for behind all that looks to thee like utter chaos I have a plan which I am working for good in thy behalf.

Ye need never fear as whether I will be faithful to thee, for if I have never failed anyone else, why would I fail thee? Ye have an innumerable company of spectators cheering thee from the ramparts of heaven, reminding you of what I did for them, and encouraging you that the struggle is not interminable, but surprisingly soon it shall end in victory for you also--if ye endure faithful.

Do ye fear the weakness within thine own self? Lo, I have put it there to drive thee to Myself. I may never answer they prayers, to be made strong, but I will give you the same promise I gave Paul, that in your weakness I will be your strength. For it is still true that My grace operates most effectively when ye have a conscious sense of need--yea, even a desperate awareness of your own complete helplessness.

Miracles burst forth out of the moist, cold soil of human tragedy. Moist with tears, and cold with hopelessness. I never get a chance to do miracles for you when you are occupied with self-realization,--while ye are entertaining ideas about what wonderful thing I am going to make out of you. I do not use you for material for miracles; I make miracles out of My own being. I allow you to watch Me after ye thoroughly understand that it is I who am supernatural, not you.

You do not have to be other than what I created you: human. You are only obligated to do that for which I created you: glorify Me Stand back! Let God be God. Let man be man. Once ye accept your limitations and settle the fact once and for all that I will never ask you to perform Herculean feats, ye can begin to learn what I really have in mind for you.

I am not discouraged with you, but ye will become discouraged with yourself if ye are not able to comprehend the truth of what I taught through Paul, that it is the foolish whom I use to confound the wise, and the things which are nothing, to shatter man's pride in the things which he has made himself.

I AM the Ruler, and I WILL reign. Ye can resist Me, but it shall inevitable be to thine own destruction. Love Me and trust Me, and stay in a place of humility. As it is written, "Humble thyself under the mighty hand of God, and He will raise thee up." Mind you, HE will do it. Ye need not raise yourself.

You need only stay humble.

The author took scripture and wrote the book. It is so uplifting!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Yesterday was my last grandchild's birthday. We lived about 600 miles away from my daughter and her husband when she was born. Our oldest daughter was overdue and I was going to go out and take care of her other children while she was in the hospital and after she came home. This was 26 years ago.

I was working and we waited until past her due date to drive out there. Since she was a couple days over her due date, we thought it would be safe to go. Surely it wouldn't be many days before we were needed.

We started early in the morning and traveled all day. This was before cell phone usage and instant messages being sent. We arrived in the city that the hospital was located and in fact, we were driving past the hospital. I mentioned to my husband, that perhaps we should check in at the hospital before driving to the next town (where they lived) and finding out she had already been admitted to the hospital and then have to turn around and come back.

We did that and went up the admission desk and inquired whether our daughter was in the hospital. The gal at the desk said, "Yes she was, and she just now had her baby"! Now that was quite good timing!!! We traveled 600 miles and arrived right when our grandchild was born.
We had a beautiful baby girl and she still is a beautiful girl. (Our Sweetie-Pie--The Frosting on the Cake!)

This isn't the only time that this happened to us. One time we were driving from our home to our oldest daughter's home (she had moved closer) and we were to meet our nephew at her house. He had about 400 miles to drive that day and we had about 75 miles to drive after work.
We were at this intersection where one interstate was intersecting another interstate and right at the fork where they came together, we looked over and saw his car and trailer at the exact time we approached that point. He followed us in to our daughter's home since he had never been at their new home. Now that is what I call "SPLIT TIMING" and very unplanned.

Thought--We need not be concerned about our timing, God will work things out with His precision timing! Scripture states in Psalms 37:23 "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way". You know God calls all Christians Saints. So I believe that we are included in that verse. There are no coincidentals with God!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


One evening my future husband and I had double dated with another couple and had gone to the fair that was in our city.

There were lots of rides to get on and since the guys wanted to take these rough rides, we went along with it. There was a particular ride that if you sat in the front seat you wouldn't be jerked around as much and the back seat got more of a twirl for your money. It was designed like a car, front seat and back seats. Since the other couple took the front seat, then we proceeded to get in the back seat of the same car. These cars would twirl around and another car would nearly hit us as we barely got out of the way. All would have been fine, BUT FOR ONE SMALL DETAIL! The seats that we got into, did not have a safety bar nor anything to hang on to (it was broken).

We started up and then the momentum got stronger and stronger. I had literally left my seat and was dangling over the edge of the car. I had nothing to hang on to. The operator did not stop the ride and I had to ride this thing out to the end. I was TOTALLY SCARED and with good reason. Had I fallen out of the car, the other car would have whipped right over me and I would have been cut into. I think God was watching over me that night because I didn't fall out.

When the ride stopped, the kid that was in charge of the rides told me, "Lady you almost fell out"! He didn't have to tell me this as I KNEW I HAD ALMOST FALLEN OUT!!!!

For the rest of the evening and night I had Butterflies in my Stomach BIG TIME! I have never been this frightened before nor since.

The four of us was planning to go to the amusement park in Chicago that weekend, and some of those rides were quite rough. By getting back on the rides within days, I lost my fear.

I had a high school teacher say that her best friend was riding the swings that twirled around and went straight out, and the swing got lose and her friend flew out and was instantly killed. Since so many of these rides are assembled and taken down and reassembled in each town, I think there is a strong possibility of this happening.

Thought--I have had too many things happen to me that I believe God was by my side and the worst didn't come to pass. I believe the above was one example of it. This couple that we double dated with that day was married about 6 months after we were and they were at my husband's sister's memorial a few weeks ago. They still seem the same to us as they did so many years ago. Also, the couple that I had driven to the State Fair with was married and still happy after so many years ago. We hope to see them when we go to Florida next month.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Even though I was working and had my own apartment/room, I still went home a lot on weekends (Via Greyhound bus). This particular weekend I had taken the bus and on the way back the bus was going past the church that I had been attending. I thought that if I went to the bus stop and came back, I would be too late. So I asked the bus driver let me off on this particular corner, which was just 1 block away from the church. I had my suitcase and placed it in the vestibule of the church.

After church I saw a couple that lived close to where I needed to go home. I asked them how they were going home, since they too did not own a car. They told me who they were riding with. I asked them, "Do you suppose they would have room for 1 more?" Of course, this was really a help, since I would have had to lug my suitcase on a city bus to go home and it was about 9:30 PM. I didn't know who was to take us home, but it turned out to be my future husband, his sister and mother.

His sister asked me if I would like to attend a "Cosmetic Party" the next evening. I said, that I would be interested in going, but didn't want to come alone. I asked if I could invite my roommate and we could walk there and come back home together. (I did not like to walk after dark down lonely streets). Call me "chicken" if you like, but I thought it wise even way back then. I got home, and my roommate had other plans and couldn't go. I called them up and explained the situation and my future husband's sister volunteered her brother to escort me home. That seemed like a good plan, so I went. Her brother had a date that night but came home early so he could take me home. Now you know how "Irresistible I was in the past" and so . . . . . .
The very next night he called and wanted to know if I would like to go to see "Showboat" at Purdue University on the coming Friday? Well, this sounded like a nice play and so I said "yes".

The rest is history, even though it took quite awhile before I realized that he possessed qualities that I could marry.

Wisdom--Be where God wants you to be and who knows what He has in store for you. It might be your future husband!

Monday, April 13, 2009


Now that I was getting to know how to travel a bit, I took a few more trips out to see my sister. On one such occasion, my last train on the itinerary was cancelled. That was from Chicago to a close town where my dad was supposed to pick me up. I was at the Dearborn Station in Chicago and no train out, until the next day. It was about 11 o'clock PM and the information booth was closed for the night. What to do? I guess, I would try to get a hotel room somewhere in the loop. Dearborn Station wasn't too far from the loop.

Since I didn't know how much that would cost and whether I could walk it or not, I decided to try the telephone in the booth at the train station and ask for information. Now I don't believe that the telephone company gives out general information (like the kind I was asking), but I did get a kind helpful person on the other end. I asked her how far it was from the station to the loop. After she said it was a mile, I asked her if she thought I could walk it? She quickly came back, "No, it is not safe to walk, and that I should take a cab." I was glad to know this information, and asked her how much it would cost to take the cab downtown to a hotel. She told me, and I was armed to hail a cab and go spend the night at a hotel downtown in the loop. It didn't occur to me that I needed to call my dad up, as I thought he knew I wouldn't be on the train that was canceled. Why I thought he would know it was canceled, I was young and wasn't thinking. We didn't make unnecessary calls in those days. Remember, we were just coming out of the depression years and this life style was still ingrained in us. Needless to say, my parents added a few more gray hairs to their head and wondering where I was and if I could function in a large city like Chicago.

I got out of the cab and the fee was about the amount the kind telephone operator said it would be. I got a room for the night at a fairly decent hotel.

I just remembered that my cousin was a nursing student at the Cook County Hospital. She was in her senior year and one of the requirements was to do student nursing at Cook County Hospital for at least six months. I got the hospital's phone # and then asked to be connected with my cousin. Well, she quickly asked me to come out to visit her that day. She told me exactly how to proceed on coming. I decided to go and take the later train home and call my dad when I got there.

Neither my cousin, nor I had much money to speak of, so she asked me if I would like to visit the Cook County Morgue. WELL, this sounded like an adventure to me! It was adjoining the hospital. So for the fun of it, we went over and explored the morgue. Well it certainly was a better way to visit a morgue, then to come to find a loved one that was missing.

The morgue was rather spooky, and there were filing cabinets all lined up against the walls. You pulled a drawer out and there was an unknown dead body with the toe tag. We got to see where they performed an autopsy to determine what they died from. GRUESOME!! But it leaves me with lots of laughs and memories to share with others. Oh yes, the morgue didn't have a very pleasant odor either. Next month this same cousin will be going to Florida together with our family. I don't think visiting a morgue will be an adventure we want to take this time. We are just too OLD for so much FUN!!!!

I finally arrived home on the later train that day and learned that my parents were quite worried about me.

Wisdom--Worry is a burden God never intended us to bear.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


How can you forget a child's version of an Easter Song. Our pastor that married us told about one of his children wanting to sing the "GRAVY SONG". The child was about 3 years old and that age can come up with some really surprises. After much probing, he said, you know when we sing "Up from the gravy rose". I'm sure God has to try to understand us sometimes, as we seem just like a 3 year old. We have a Grandparents Brag section in our monthly Church magazine. These children hear and rationalize things, and it is a fun to see what they are hearing and understanding what they are learning.

It is Easter today and I trust you have a "Great Easter" and Jesus is your Savior, also. Simple childlike faith can make Him your Savior too, if you don't know Him as your Savior.

"Low in the Grave He Lay"

Low in the grave He lay, Jesus, my Savior! Waiting the coming day,
Jesus, my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph
o'er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever
with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Vainly they watch His bed, Jesus, my Savior! Vainly they seal the dead,
Jesus, my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph
o'er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever
with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Death cannot keep his prey, Jesus, my Savior! He tore the bars away.
Jesus, my Lord! Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph
o'er His foes; He arose a victor from the dark domain, and He lives forever
with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose!

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Now you might not consider it long in today's standards, but it was a LONG trip to me back in the 40's.

My sister had gotten married and her husband was from South Dakota. He had one year of college left, and so they moved to South Dakota to finish up his education.

I was working and decided to take a trip out to see them. This really was quite a "big thing" for me, as I had hardly been out of the state that I had lived in all my life. I was not savvy on knowing my way around large cities and transferring from one station to another in Chicago. There was a train that I could have taken that transferred to another train out in no-where and it would have gotten me there so much faster. Since I was new at this, I opted for the slow train that went directly to the city I was headed for. BIG MISTAKE!!!! This train had to have been a castaway from the pioneer days of long ago. The seats were straight up and down and moved back and forth to which way you wanted to face. (Just like the John Wayne movies). Not only that, it stopped to pick up and let off milk or whatever else they wanted to carry from town to town along the way. They sat in the small towns about ten minutes to unload/load. We no more got started and there was another small town ahead that they stopped at. Frustrating to say the least.

When I got to Chicago, I was to take a Parmalee to Union Station and get my connections with this train. Dearborn Station was such a busy station and taxi's, Parmolee's were lined up and everyone wanted to transfer you over to your next destination. They were ushering all the people they could into there cab/or whatever. I asked the driver of this vehicle if this was the Parmalee? He quickly said, "yes", and I got in for the ride to Union Station. I had no more got out and about a block away I saw a clock registering the miles. In my mind, I knew that the Parmalee was free with the ticket I had purchased. I then asked him again, "Is this a Parmalee?" He said, "No Mam". I quickly informed him that he acknowledged that it was, and to let me off right now! I proceeded to walk back to the station and got the right transportation to Union Station. I quickly found out that I was not in Kansas no longer, and had to be aware of what I was doing.

I had a good time visiting my sister, after I finally arrived on that "S-L-O-W" train. On the way back, I didn't care how many transfers I had to make, I opted for the fasted train going. There again, I tried "fine dining" in the dining car. This I could not afford, but I wanted the experience.

I arrived back home a little wiser and with a bit of experience under my belt.

Wisdom--Because the Lord is watching over us, we don't have to fear the dangers around us.

Friday, April 10, 2009


We lived in various kinds of places when I first went to Business School and worked out in the 40's. I lived with my sister until she married and we had a very tiny furnished apartment and did most of our own cooking. One time, we rented a room and it was room/board situation. Other times, we would just rent a room and eat out.

One year we ate at a favorite restaurant for our evening meal, as we rented a room and it didn't come with meals. Each time we would look over the menu, but almost always, we would select Grilled Halibut, potatoes, vegetable and desert & coffee. On rare occasions, we would decide to select another meal. We always were disappointed and wished we had selected our "Ole Stand-by". Talk about variety, WE DIDN'T KNOW WHAT THAT WORD MEANT! You know to this day, when we go back to where we lived, we invariably go to this restaurant and order Halibut. The same owners family still run the restaurant and HALIBUT there is the VERY BEST. Even now our daughters and their spouses like to go there to eat.

The cost is quite a big difference now. To get the luncheon halibut today, I think it is about $10.00 and about $16.00 for the dinner. Back then it cost about $.40 or at the most $.45 cents. Quite a difference-but the quality and taste remains the same. Our paychecks back then wasn't so great, so it was just as hard to pay for the forty cent meal as it was to pay now the ten dollar meal/$16.00.

We didn't have a car, so we had to get an apartment/room close to a bus line. I soon learned that dad's money went a lot further than my money. We didn't save much, but we didn't go in debt either.

After the war, even apartments were hard to find, since so many from the war was looking for housing for themselves and their new bride.

My sister's husband had one year of college left and the housing available in college towns were as rare as hen's teeth. Now that is quite rare!

Wisdom--Coming through the depression years made us quite appreciative of what we had, and content in our circumstances. Hebrews 13:5b says, "and be content with such things as ye have".

Thursday, April 9, 2009


You know that you not in Kansas when somebody you know, turns up murdered. In my small world back on the farm, nothing like this ever happened. You trusted your neighbors, everybody knew everybody and one felt quite safe. I don't think they locked doors back then. Of course, we didn't go anyplace, so no need to lock doors. However, I did when I went to a larger place to live. I had a close friend say that she never ever locked her doors, even to this day and lives in the same city we lived during our married life.

One Friday at work, this girl that I worked with, came in and picked up her paycheck. She had been on vacation and needed money. I asked her if she was having a good time. She said that she was and had laid away that week a fur coat for the winter ahead. (This was when nobody thought anything about fur coats being wrong to wear). The year was 1945, and the month was August of that year.

On the Monday following she was to come back from her vacation. There was a "No Show" and we wondered WHY! A few hours later, we learned that she had been murdered in a State Park close to the city we lived in. She had gone to a ball game in the afternoon with her parents and the young man that took her life yet that same evening. What a tragedy!!! The papers were full of the story. He later was convicted of murdering her. I don't think they ever disclosed the motive. This girl was about 19 years of age and had her whole life ahead of her. A few years prior to this, her sister had drowned in a boating accident on the lake. These deaths were nearly too much for any one set of parents to have to go through!!!! The girl was a niece of our mailman when I was growing up. My heart still goes out to this family to this day.

Wisdom--Only God could give peace to these grieving parents, so many years ago. I'm sure he had to teach them about forgiveness, also. Hard, hard, hard to do!!!!! Philippians 4:7 says, And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

*Post note--The boy was sentenced and later got out on parole and started a barber shop of his own close by. He was killed in an automobile accident quite a few years later. He wasn't very old when the accident occurred. If I recall correctly, he was about 35 years old when he died.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


It was sometime around 1946 that my roommate and her boyfriend was going to the State Fair and they asked me if I would like to go with them. Of course, when the car is going somewhere, I always want to go.

My roommates boyfriend worked night shifts and asked me to drive home, since his girlfriend didn't know how to drive. I said, I would.

On the way home, I probably (I know) was driving too fast, but a car at a side road waited until I got right up the the intersection and they decided to pull out in front of me. I guess they misjudged how fast I was driving. They saw that they couldn't make it and stopped across both lanes of highway. I swerved since if I didn't I would have hit their car broadside. I quickly stepped on the brake and 1/2 of my foot was on the foot feed. Not a very good plan. I held on tight to my steering wheel and was able to dodge them. It was one of those miracle things that I bet those people that were in the other car will never forget either. If I had broadsided them, I'm confident there would have been some casualties. (God was watching out for some stupid young people that day).

I kept driving until I had a blowout in one of the tires, and I was so shaken up, I couldn't drive no longer. Two bad things in one trip did me in. To this day, I am keenly aware of people that are waiting on a side road, I think they will decide to drive out at the last minute and I would be faced with this situation again.

Wisdom--Trials make us think; thinking makes us wise; wisdom makes life profitable. (Our daily Bread)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I thought today I will tell you about the "NO FOOD" day. This took place about 1945--46.
I was out of high school and had gone to Business School and working, and came home for the weekend. I wanted to try new recipes out and every recipe that I wanted to try, my parents lacked an ingredient or two.

I complained to dad that they lacked a lot of supplies in the way of food. Now you know by the previous writings, that we had an abundance of food, with my mother's canning, plenty of meat, etc. Dad laughed and told me to make out a list of what they lacked and he would buy it. I made a list of a lot of staple items, so that when I would come home, I would have the ingredients for the new recipes that I wanted to try out.

He took the list to the local grocery store, handed the list to the manager and laughingly said that his daughter thought they didn't have anything to eat at home. He would come back later and pick up the groceries (Yes, the small town grocery stores did that in those days).

He came home that day with $20 worth of groceries (a whopping big order). There were no meat involved, so it was strictly shelf life groceries.

Dad proceeded to bring in the sacks of groceries from the car. He brought in sack after sack, after sack of groceries. I couldn't believe all the sacks that he purchased that day. There was no end to the sacks. Dad really got a kick out of this, since never in my growing up years, we lacked in any kind of food. It is a day that stands out still in my memories. It shows that dad did have quite a sense of humor. We also, was coming out of the depression years quite well and $20 was easier to come by.

Thought for the day--Just think of what $20 buys today, and compare it with what it bought in the 40's. You are lucky if you come home with a 1/2 bag full of groceries today. INFLATION!!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

April 4, 1921 & April 4, 2009!!!!

It's been a whole month since I have been able to get on and write something. My computer was down most of the time and of course there was quite a bit of work to be done. But--here I am back! You know the old saying, a bad penny always returns!

Yesterday was my husband's birthday. He turned 88 years of age. Last Sunday, we celebrated his birthday at one of our daughter's home. We played many of the games that we found in Evelyn's apartment that the girls had fond memories of playing when they were a child.

Yesterday, we just went to a steak house (Logan's) and had a good dinner. Jamie brought my computer back and it is up and running. Thanks a lot Jamie!!!!

April 4th turned out to be a big RED LETTER DAY all around! Our oldest granddaughter went to the hospital and had a baby girl. Her name is Abigail Grace. She weighed a whopping 10# 1 oz. Now I think that is quite a GIRL!!!

No wonder that our daughter when she went up there on Friday evening said that she was as big as a barn. Our granddaughter is quite a small girl, and she was really heavy with child the night before she gave birth. I thought it would be a boy, but I certainly was hoping that it would be a little girl, since I know this was what our granddaughter wanted. She has a 15 month old boy at home, so it was nice for them to have one of each now. They didn't want to be informed what they were going to have until he/she was born. What a great birthday present my husband received yesterday (a great granddaugher to share birthdays together).

Wisdom--One never appreciates what you have, until it has been taken away from you. I didn't know how much I would miss my computer, but I soon learned that I lean on it in so many ways. I write letters, check the gas prices and my e-mails each day. One just doesn't realize how dependent we are on the luxuries we never dreamed of as a child.