Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Today is a "bummer of a day"! It is frigid and more snow than one wants at my age. It seems like a good day to just keep your pajamas on and curl up with a blanket and read.

Well this thought brought about my writings today. The idea of keeping one's pajamas on and house slippers on all day was really a NO, NO when I was growing up. Dad believed that when you got up, you dressed like you were ready for work. No lounging around at our house was permitted. My mother was a workaholic as well as my dad. We got "UP AND AT UM". I guess this probably was the start of me being a morning person, rather than and evening person. We woke up early and went to bed early. You know the old saying, "The early bird catches the worm". Or another old saying, "Early to rise and early to bed, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise".

Well, I didn't stay in my pajamas, I got my shower, got dressed and did some work, but decided to read. The book I am reading is a book that my sister's son has just finished writing. It is a sequel to a mystery book he wrote about a year ago. He is retired, and has time to write. He absolutely is a gifted writer. Whether he ever gets discovered is immaterial, since he has a good retirement program. I just happen to like a good mystery, and I consider he is right up there with Mary Higgons Clark. I like puzzle solving, and he gives me plenty of this in his books.

Well in the evenings, I am ready to get my daily dozen done and my night clothes on with a robe and view television or read. This too, no doubt, stems from my early beginning. You just can't teach an old dog, new tricks!

Wisdom today--God is our problem solver, and we can trust him with our problems.

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