Saturday, January 3, 2009


Today, I am sad because our grandson's best friends funeral is today. I grew to love him as he was over at our grandson's home a lot when we were there, too.

Well today, I am going to tell a little story that happened when I was 10. This was right after my sister had gotten home from the hospital recuperating from the appendicitis operation. How many days, or weeks it was; I can't remember.

Our grandparents only lived a quarter of a mile down the road from our house and my sister asked me if I wanted to go with her to visit my aunt (which took care of my grandfather). I said that I did, but had something to finish, before I could go. I told her to go on ahead of me and I would catch up with her on my bicycle when I completed what I was doing. I do not remember at all what kept me from going right then, but I SURE REMEMBER what followed.

My sister was about half way to my grandparents home, when I came on my "trusty" bicycle pedaling very fast to catch up so we could arrive at the same time.

I said, as I was approaching her, "BEEP, BEEP, HERE I COME!!! I had full intentions to dart by her when I got up to where she was walking. Instinctly, she jumped to one side, just as I was darting around her. You guessed it, we both darted and jumped in the same direction. Down she went, and also the bicycle went in one direction and I in another direction. This was really a bad thing to happen to someone who was recuperating from an operation. Ten year olds do things without thinking ahead of what could happen. I certainly did not want to run over my sister at any time, but sure did not intend to run over her when she was still healing from an operation! She was ok and has forgiven me.

I think my sister has 10 lives like they say that cats have. This was #3 on the list. The barn accident, appendicitis, and now this accident. She is 87 and had a few other bouts in her life.

Wisdom today--Don't expect a child to weigh their actions like a grown person. Children just act like the age that they are. Five year olds act like five year olds, 10 year old act like 10 year olds, Etc.

1 comment:

Berjo said...

Poor Esther! Ran over by her own sister! I'm surprised she didn't decide to stop taking care of her "baby" anymore!