Friday, January 23, 2009


Today I heard on television that if your OUTGO is more than your INCOME, your UPKEEP will be your DOWNFALL!!!! Doesn't this ring a bell!! Our government is spending and spending with all kinds of stimulus packages, etc. Why don't they go back to individual ACCOUNTABILITY and then carry it to the state level and government level. Individual accountability--Bah Humbug seems to be their motto.

Well to get on the title of today's writing, my dad was from German heritage, and he thought nothing wrong with making a little wine. He made a very small keg of wine each year from the grapes we grew. My mother would can grape juice, but he saved a bit out for wine. My mother did not approve of wine or alcholic beverages of any sort. I'm just stating how it was at our house.

He would let us taste it and I have always thought it tasted like spoiled grapes. To this day, this is my attitude toward any spirited drinks. It just doesn't taste good.

I had a girlfriend that was a teetotaler and was absolutely afraid of her drunken uncle that would come to visit them on occasions. So, I saw all of this from both sides of the fence. If every individual drank the way my dad drank, the world would be different. He always did everything in moderation, and this was NO EXCEPTION. He would have one drink and that would be the end. Many a home has been broken up due to over drinking, so I give you my wisdom today.
If one never takes their first drink, you know you will never be an alcholic!

The 2nd Wisdom for the day on this subject is--If you cause anyone to stumble because of your action then you had better ABSTAIN. This is still my view on the subject.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

"Why don't they go back to individual ACCOUNTABILITY and then carry it to the state level and government level."

Agreed. This idea was Ron Paul's theme in his campaign, and also Chuck Baldwin's (the Baptist pastor). But the two main candidates just didn't seem to get it.

I had the same reaction to wine as you. It doesn't taste good.
