Friday, January 2, 2009


We had the family (as many as could make it) over yesterday for a "fun" day. Today we took the tree down and most of the decorations. I still left up the quilt over the narrow table and will take that down sometime next month.

One summer my mother had the flu. She hardly ever got sick, but this was an exception to the rule. My sister was about 15 and she started getting the flu symptoms right after my mother was getting a little better. Of course, one would just think that my sister caught the "flu" bug, also.

She kept getting worse and did what flu patients usually do. Aches, pains and the "works".
This went on for quite awhile, and I was sent to town on my "trusty" bicycle to fetch some bread/rolls etc. since my mother wasn't back to par to bake.

On the way back as I was going out of this small town, I saw the doctor going past me in the car. This was still the same "little black bag" doctor. I was really worried, I hoped he didn't go turn down at the next corner going toward our house! Sure enough, he did turn in that direction.
Now I was really worried, for fear he was going directly to our house. In those days, one never called the doctor unless a person was REALLY sick. I pedaled as fast as I could go to see where he ended up. Well, you guessed it, he was parked in our barnyard. I ran as fast as I could to the house and my father and the doctor was outside talking. The doctor had just told my dad that my sister had appendicitis and that she would have to have an operation immediately.

The doctor took my sister and dad to the hospital immediately. The doctor operated on her, and when they got the appendix out, it burst. They feared that some of it had already seeped out into her body. There were no antibiotics in those days. I learned later that the doctor didn't think she would make it. My aunt was staying with my uncle that just happened to be recuperating in the same hospital. The doctor told my aunt this. She was one sick girl for quite awhile, even after the operation.

Tomorrow I will tell you about the encounter on the bicycle.

Wisdom for the day--Because the Lord is watching over us, we don't have to fear the dangers around us. God still had work for my sister to do, and until that is through, he will watch over her before taking her home to be with him.

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