Wednesday, January 21, 2009


When we were growing up the local small towns would entice the surrounding area people to come by offering free movies. There were 4 towns that we could take in free movies. We on the most part, only went to two of these towns on their free movie evenings).

There always was a cartoon, and after that a "serial" with a cliff hanger to entice you to see how the main character got out of his peril and you would come back the next week. After that, was a full featured movie. It varied between a western, mystery, or love story. Whatever the story line, the "good guy" always came out the victor.

We really looked forward to the free movies. This gave us a chance to see our friends, spend a nickel (that dad doled out freely) on ice cream/or candy. It gave the family time to grocery shop, visit their friends, also.

It was such a disappointment when the clouds would form and have rain on that day, because they would cancel the movies.

Before I had mentioned that I didn't want to learn to milk cows. Well the free movies were probably the reason that I did not want to do this. We would so want to be dressed up and look our best, but how could you do this, if you just finished milking a sweaty cow and have the cow's tail swish you a few times in the face. I always had the cattle fed, cows in the barn (to be milked) and chores done in general, so the milking could be done by someone else. That way, I would be nice and clean to go to town.

I don't know when they stopped having free movies, but all during my grade school and high school years they would have them.

Thought for today--I felt that I had a happy childhood and wanted for nothing. I have been so blessed.

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