Saturday, January 10, 2009


Ironing day was usually on a Tuesday, because wash day was usually on Monday (of course this did depend on whether Monday was a rainy day or sunny day).

I think we ironed everything but the kitchen sink in those days. Well anyway, it might have just seemed that way. We would have to sprinkle the clothes down, and let them set awhile and proceeded to do the ironing. Early on, until we had electricity, we had perhaps half dozen irons on the cook stove that were heated up. We had a handle that clipped onto the irons that were hot. When that iron was getting cold, then we clipped the handle on to another hot iron.

When we finally got electricity, we bought an electric iron. This was certainly much easier for the person doing the ironing. We all had a part of ironing. Most clothes were cotton and permanent press was unheard of, so this is why everything had to be ironed. Many of the cotton clothes were starched in those days, and this was a MUST IRON piece.

When we were married my mother-in-law even ironed wash clothes and towels. I don't think we did that. I guess she thought they would stack so much easier and look better in the cupboard. She was one particular housekeeper. Everything had a place, and everything was in place. She grew up on the farm and her work ethic never left her. She too had a very even disposition, very much like my dad.

I do remember that I was suppose to iron one time and I was busy cleaning the house, and wasn't getting at the ironing. My dad came in and mom told my dad that I wasn't ironing. He scolded me for this, and I got right on to that iron immediately. Dad's disapproval was all that it took for us to get busy on what was needed at the moment. I remember this, because dad rarely ever scolded us, so this stands out in my memory.

Speaking of cleaning the house, in the summer months, I would start at the top of the house and clean each room, dust, sweep, make beds until all of the rooms were picked up and clean. Cleaning these rooms were so much easier back then because we didn't have much clutter around due to lack of having much.

Next time I will tell more about cleaning and "spring cleaning" on the farm.

Wisdom for the day--Ephesians 6:1 Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.

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