Friday, June 12, 2009


After I wrote about how my girls wanted to runaway from home, I thought I had better tell you about a compliment that I received during that time, so you don't get the idea that I was one horrible mother.

It came from someone that you would least expect to get a compliment like this from. No it wasn't either one of my daughters, but the other smart girl that was at our house most of the time.

It was just an ordinary day and out of the "blue" this neighbor girl said, "Mrs. _____, do you know who I would like to have as a mother?" Of course, I didn't know what she was driving at and I said, "no". She said, "You, if I could pick a mother". Well, I thought this was so sweet and so off the cuff. I told you she was one smart little girl!!!! She might have been wanting for me to do something special for her, but nevertheless, I thought it was a nice thing for her to say. At least, I thought, that I must be doing something right!

I tried to be make our days, exciting and full of fun, so there were some permanent good memories, so the girls didn't think back on their growing up years as just negative. I enjoyed each year that they were growing up. There were no favorite age that I thought was better than another age. Each age was exciting and challenging.

Thought--I am still enjoying those two girls and enjoy being a grandmother, and great-grandmother. No other job has been so important and pleasurable. Along with the exciting part, there were lots of things that was also, boring, repetitive and just plain hard work. The job of raising our daughters was the most important job I ever had and the most rewarding. Thank you God for the gift of life and the trust you gave me those many years ago.


Observer said...

This surprises me! I thought I remembered her having a close relationship with her own Mom & Dad! Irregardless, I think you were a great Mom too! (As well as being a wonderful Aunt!) :-)

neumo_rus said...

Thanks for the compliment. There is a certain age that kids go through that they really attach to the person they are around a lot. I think this was around that age when she said that. It was so spontaneous and genuine that I took it as quite a compliment. She did comment that she wouldn't want me to worry about her like I worried about my two,however. I was like a mother hen with her chicks.