Saturday, June 6, 2009

JUG #2!!!!

As we raised our children, we didn't go out to eat at fancy restaurants much, but did go to fast food places quite often. I think we acquired this habit because it was more of an effort to get everyone dressed up and out the door for a nice place to eat.

You know how easy it is to go to a fast food place. You go as you are on the most part. I don't remember ever going really grubby to any place though. If I was to pick up a bolt at the hardware store, I would try to look presentable before I left. My husband would always say, they will take your money regardless of how you look. SO TRUE!!! My pride always would get in the way for me to adopt that motto, however.

Many times we would drive out to the airport and watch the planes land and on the way or on the way home we would get something to eat.

This particular day, we dropped by the H&W Root Beer stand. We usually got a jug of root beer to take home to drink. They had gallon jugs that if you returned them, they would fill them up.
The girls were always excited when we would do something extra like this. This day our older daughter was really excited and wanted to carry the gallon jug in herself. The thought didn't occur to me that this was quite hefty for her to carry. In her excitement, she dropped it all over the patio. Accident #2 happened. No one was hurt, so all was well. Our younger daughter had broken a water jug and now it was our older daughter with root beer.

Well now! The pattern seemed to be set and it was our turn. It gets more sticky each time it happens. Tune in tomorrow.

Wisdom--Doing things as a family, no matter how minor it is, seems to strengthen the bonds.
A picnic, or a trip to the park is worth the effort. I remember a quote someone said, "Dust will wait, but your children grow up all too fast, so take time to enjoy the moments!"

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