Thursday, June 11, 2009


After writing about house rules yesterday, it reminded me of a time that my girls just didn't quite like the "rules of our house".

Our older daughter was about 3 or 4 years of age and she decided that she knew what she wanted to do and I said, "No, you can't do that!" She then quickly said, "Well, I guess I will run away from home!" I quickly replied, "Well if you are going to run away from home you will need a suitcase to put all your things in". I quickly got her little "pink" overnight suitcase out, and started putting in her pajamas, toothbrush, etc. By this time she was really worried and told me
"Mommy I don't want to run away from home!" I called her bluff and she had 2ND thoughts. I sure would have missed our beautiful little girl had she ran away that day!

Our younger daughter decided when she was about 5-6 years old that she didn't like the "Rules of the House regarding television". She announced that she was going to run away from home if she didn't get to watch television that night.

Well, since I was a seasoned mother about these things, I quickly got her suitcase, etc. for her trip to who knows where. As I have stated before, she was more determined little girl and a bit older than my older daughter was when she announced this very thing. She went out the door with her suitcase in hand. Now what was a mother to do? My older daughter and I was home and she knew what was happening. Our older daughter was getting quite a kick out of this scene. We watched her the entire time (she couldn't see us as we went behind the house outside). She went in front of our neighbors house and stood there for awhile. She turned around and slowly went to the corner side street (adjoining our lot) and stood under the street light for a few minutes looking up and down the street. Then she slowly walked back up our drive to our front door. My older daughter and I quickly went inside as if nothing was happening and met her at the front door.

I said, "Well, I am surprised to see you, come on in! I thought you were going to run away from home!" or something to that nature.

She said, "Well I decided to run away tomorrow, but tonight I am going to watch television!"

I said, "Fine! You can run away tomorrow, but you are not going to watch television tonight!"

This was the end of the "runaway girls saga"! Never again, did either ever say they were going to runaway from home in any conversation we had.

Wisdom--Sometimes, parenthood, gets a little tense. Rules are given for good reasons, and one must be consistent in implementing these rules. I realize that some rules can be bent for certain occasions, but on the most part, should be adhered to. Oh the joys of motherhood! It still brings a chuckle today.

1 comment:

Observer said...

Well, yesterday I officially became a "follower" of your blog - the first one! I haven't quite figured out yet what that does for me! I still enjoy reading it every day though!!