Thursday, June 25, 2009


These hot summer days make me remember what it was like when we would go swimming while we were camping. The lake was so refreshing and the girls just loved it.

One day, my husband and I were up on the beach sunning and watching the girls play in the water. There were droves of children out in the lake and we tried to keep an eye on our two. This was rather difficult since they somehow look all alike out there. One minute you see them and another minute you don't. I remember this one time we couldn't see them anywhere we looked. What panic swept through us as we searched the beach! They were nowhere to be found. They wore bathing caps and we knew the colors, etc. The word frantic comes to my mind as we continued to search.

Those two decided to go up by the beach house to buy some pop, and we finally found them.

The girls finally learned how to swim by taking lessons at YWCA. They then would swim father out on the lake to a raft. I couldn't swim at the time and I wondered how one lifeguard could keep track of all those children. My kids would be in the bottom of the lake and he would not know it.

Bingo! The thought came to me that I HAD TO LEARN TO SWIM OUT TO THE RAFT, so I could watch my own children.

Stay tuned--Tomorrow I will tell you how I accomplished this.

Wisdom--I believe everyone should be able to swim. This way, they have a fighting chance when they are around pools, lakes, boating, etc. It is one exercise that really makes you feel great! Swimming is one thing that I am so glad I learned how to do, even though I don't swim very well. A buddy system helps keep each other safe and we tried to teach this to them.


Observer said...

Good for you! Swimming is something I've always wished I'd had an opportunity to learn to do! That, and learn how to play a musical instrument! At my now advanced age, ;-) it becomes harder to learn to do new things!!

neumo_rus said...

Go to the YMCA and get in a class to learn deep water swimming. It is never too late! You are young yet and have lots of years to enjoy the pool.