Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well I guess you know that I had one daughter that was quite independent!

Early on, when she showed her independent streak, I would say, "Now Spunky!"

I started calling her Spunky at an early age. Then I thought this wasn't quite the handle I wanted to put on her for the rest of her life, so I switched the name to Bunky. Now you know the rest of the story.

Once in awhile I still call her by this pet name. She has been a delight, even though she had an independent streak.

I think that our older daughter has an independent streak, also. When your kids get to be adults they should develop this quality and it is a "good" thing.

My goal when raising my daughters is to teach them to be independent. This is what all parents should strive for in their children. They both are self reliant and can do most things well.

Wisdom--God wants us to grow up and think for ourselves and not follow where the crowd is going. The crowd may be going the opposite of the way God wants us to go. Weigh your thoughts against the Word of God and you will be OK.

1 comment:

Observer said...

Now that we know where "Bunky" came from, how about the story about "Pad" and "Neumo"?