Sunday, June 7, 2009


Very close to the time that our daughters had their mishap, I was cleaning out the refrigerator and taking things out so I could wash the insides down with soda water that mishap #3 occurred.
I had taken a jug of syrup out of the refrigerator and because of my wet hands and the size of the jug it slipped right out and landed on the floor. Now this was not an ordinary size of syrup jug. Remember my husband had always said, buy in quantity because the unit price is so much cheaper. Well I bought the largest jug they had. You can imagine the mess that made on the floor, on my pride, and trying to get all of that sticky stuff up as if it never occurred. It took some scrubbing.

Then very close to this time, my husband was painting up under the eaves of our house. He had a gallon paint can (yes, it was full) and was perched on a stoop over the back door leading to the patio. One little mishap (mishap #4), and down came the paint can and contents all over the patio. It took quite a bit of newspaper and water to rectify that little mess. The cycle had been completed and each mishap seemed to be harder to clean up.

So you can see we each had our turn at making up the "JUG" saga.

Wisdom--Last night we were listening to the History Channel about "D day invasion". It was 65 years ago on June 6, 1944 that "D day" occurred. One of the men said that after the war (if he survived) he was going to buy some land and live at peace on that land and that was what he did. So many gave the ultimate price so we could have a peaceful abode and raise our families, telling others about insignificant incidences in our lives. We owe so much to those "WAR HEROES" and to our GOD that helped them win the war. Yes, we were able to carry out our daily lives and tell you of some of the boring details of that life, because of God and those men. Thank you one more time to each and all!!

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