Wednesday, December 3, 2008


We have been busy dragging things up from the basement to decorate our home for Christmas. It gets harder each year to do this. I'm so thankful for our grandson's wife and daughters that helped clear out the unused Christmas decorations, etc. this past year. It made it much easier. We got the tree up and today I will finish with the other things. Maybe, not as much, so there isn't as much work to take down.

We just finished the backyard leaves when the storm hit with a batch of snow. We ended up getting 81 containers (mostly bags) of leaves from our yard. Now we have snow to contend with. Hopefully, it won't be so deep. I was under the weather a tad Monday and my husband had to do this by himself.

Today I have cookies to bake. Tomorrow I plan to go to my bible study class, and we will have a Christmas party/breakfast and gift exchange. Tomorrow evening we will see a Christmas Musical performed by our daughter's church. It really has been spectacular in the past and am looking forward to hearing it this year.

More of my stories about how it was at Christmas when I was a child on another day. A tad different than today!!!

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