Thursday, October 15, 2009


One year after our first grandchild was born, our younger daughter had a little girl. Now we had our "VIG". Later she became our "Very Important Young Lady"!

She was the apple of our eye, not to mention her daddy's eye! It was fun to watch her grow up to be the young lady that she has become.

Her intense interest in books was her thing. Her Paternal grandfather had given her a picture dictionary when she was quite young. Her parents were going on a camping trip and told her to pick out some toys to fit in this tiny suitcase. It wasn't very big and so she had to pick and choose very carefully, since they couldn't pack many toys. Mary checked to see what she had picked out. Yes, the only thing that she had in that suitcase was this dictionary. Our daughter told her to try to pick out something other than a dictionary. Later she still found the dictionary
she wanted to take. Intense little girl for such a young age.

Another thing she was so enthralled in is music. Now most children, one had to beg them to practice, but not Amber, one had to tell her to quit playing the piano and go out to play.

I'm not good at music, but I guess Amber had perfect pitch and was singing "Annie" in her child's car seat, after they all went to see that movie. She wasn't much over two at the time.

We had gone to see our children in Virginia and Amber was carrying on quite a conversation with my sister in the backseat and she was just around two years old.

Her mom and dad did a very good job in raising her to be a well rounded individual. They made sure she learned sports and other things, or she could have been a complete "bookworm".

When she was a teenager, my husband and I were to watch their two girls while they went on a vacation (just the two of them). Amber wanted to do something one evening, but since we were in charge, we had to say yes or no. I don't remember just what it was, but it had to do with this boy that seemed to hang around a lot. She really wasn't too happy with my decision and stormed upstairs to her bedroom. It was always my custom when our own girls were growing up, that when the smoke cleared, I would go and talk to them about the decision that was made.

I went upstairs and found her with red eyes. I told Amber that I was sorry, but her parents left us in charge and we decided on something that wasn't what she wanted. She said to me, "Oh grandma, I'm not mad at you, I'm mad at myself! She was certainly tender to what was the right thing to do, after she calmed down and evaluated the situation.

The article "What! Another Storm", tells about her between Junior and Senior year in college. God had truly answered prayer on her behalf in that story!

She went on to get her Masters Degree in Piano. She met the man of her dreams and married him four years ago. They have a little boy almost two and a little girl seven months old come November 4. Two very sweet great grandchildren that we enjoy so much. Read the article "Our Cutie is one" to hear a story about her son and husband. Their older boy is our "Cutie" and the younger baby pet name is "God's gift".

They are dedicating their two children to the Lord this coming Sunday at their church.

Wisdom--The scripture in Proverbs 22:6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it".


Berjo said...

Amber was strong-willed as a child but had such a tender, amazing heart! I think it has helped make her a special mom to her two cuties. I wondered when you were two years old if you would be a musician (or a librarian!) We love you, Ber!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the memories, Grandma! Jason is glad you made the right choice when you were in charge. :) As always, he's right!
Love you!