Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Our older daughter and her husband was moving back closer to the family and they had quite a bit of furniture, 3 children, to move from Virginia to our state. It would be cheaper to get a U-haul truck and a trailer to move, than a moving van they reasoned. Money was tight and every little bit they could save would help them put down on their newly purchased home.

Carol came early and picked out house plans and a lot to put the house on, and all the things that needed to be decided on early. We would go over weekly and see how the house was progressing. This was a duty that we were glad to help out with, but it was kinda a pain to drive over and check to see if the builder were following the specs.

They packed everything up in the van and trailer, and car during the daytime and their plans were to drive the 600 or so miles in the dark, while the children were sleeping. This really probably was a good plan, but both had worked all day and Carol had just given birth to her last child about 4-5 weeks prior.

What does grandparents do in this case? Worry, read scripture, pray, go to sleep, pick up and worry, read the scripture, pray, wake up worry and pray! Well you get the picture of my state of mind while they were driving here. I would wake up every half hour after praying about it, then I would start worrying again. I finally read some scripture in Psalms. It spoke to me that God is watching over my family and why am I losing so much sleep? That was when I finally
went back to bed and slept like a log. It finally dawned on me, that it didn't depend on me after God had spoken to me that He was watching over our family. I then could go to sleep! Sometimes, it just takes a long time to get through my thick skull that God is in control!

The Caravan came rolling in about 4 A.M. Carol was driving the car with the new baby and Steve in the back seat. Jim was driving the U-Haul and a trailer behind the U-Haul. Jamie was riding with his dad. I think they had another person helping move and he was driving another car full of stuff. I'm fuzzy about this last part.

After they came, they told of about three different things that occurred while driving, that any one of those could have been disastrous. Carol had to keep pinching herself or she would have fallen asleep. They had trouble with the truck and engine problems that could have exploded if it caught fire. They went off on a rest stop and they could barely get their rigs turned around to get back on the Interstate. It was in the mountains.

Wisdom--Have you been there? I'm sure you have a few times in your life. After we pray, we should have the faith to know that God heard our prayer and will take over! I had the faith of a mustard seed that day until I finally "GOT IT", God is in control!!!

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