Thursday, October 8, 2009


Since my mind has been on one of my very good friends passing away, I have been thinking a lot about her life these days.

Here is a story that she told me one day. I thought you would enjoy it as much as I did. She was quite frugal, as I have always tried to be.

When her children were little (in strollers) she lived in Portland, Oregon and was getting on this transportation that they had there. She was loaded down with packages, 2 children, stroller, etc.
As she was getting her coins out to pay the man in the front of bus/or whatever she was riding, a 50 cents piece rolled across the floor of the bus. She was so loaded down that she didn't have time to pick it up and proceeded to give the man her fare from the money she had left.

All the time she watched where the 50 cent piece rolled to. She noticed a man picking up the 50 cent piece and putting it into his pocket. Then he proceeded to sit down.

Lucile noticed that there was a seat right beside him and she sat down there. She told him that she saw him pick up the money and that it was her 50 cents. He said to her, "Finders keepers, losers weepers". He wasn't about to give up that 50 cents to her.

They proceeded to their destination. He started to get up and leave, since it was where he was to get off. He had gotten to the door to get off and forgot that he left a package, so he went back to retrieve it. By this time, Lucile had noticed the package and picked it up. He told her that he had left that package and to please give it back to him. She looked at him, as only Lucile could, and said, "remember finders keepers, losers weepers" and would not give it to him. He knew they wouldn't delay much longer for him to get off, and he proceeded to exit the bus/or ride. Lucile kept the package.

She thought that he deserved to have this response, since this was what he was dishing out to her.

Do you wonder as much as I wondered what was in that package? I certainly wondered and asked her, "What was in the package that he was carrying?" I wondered if she got 50 cents worth back from the contents of the package.

Hang on to your seat, as you will be most surprised at what was in the package he was caring, as I was.

I told you to wait, didn't I?

Well, you just have to WAIT until I tell you below!

She told me, "It was full of BALONEY just like the story I told you". ----I fell for this hook, line and sinker!!!

Did you? If you didn't fall for it, it's because I didn't write it down as seriously and believably as she told it that day! She was truly a woman of humor. See the article entitled "Lucile".

Wisdom--A little humor is good for the soul! She was such a "great" person and a "fun" person to know. She has left quite a legacy to her family.

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