Monday, February 23, 2009


As I have stated prior to this, that I lived a rather sheltered life. My world was rather small. I had only been in 2 states by the time I was 18 years of age.

When the war broke out, I thought, Oh My we were going to get bombed!! Then I settled down to being a typical teenager. The war was in my mind, but they were fighting a Million miles away! However, I was very aware of the significance of war and what it was doing to our country, I was pretty much like an average teenager and not consumed by it.

My High School years were "happy go lucky" and I could have taken those years a little more seriously than I did. I was interested in making friends, and enjoying my teen years. I enjoyed some subjects, but other subjects weren't "my cup of tea". Like when we studied Edgar Alan Poe and his writings. I just was not that interested in knowing what he was driving at in some of his way out thinking. I learned most of that in class.

I loved the math courses, and commercial subjects and home economic courses.

Tomorrow I will tell you my favorite teacher in High School. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED!!!

Thought for the day--I could have been a little more diligent in studying, but I will never regret being carefree and making good friends during those years. The friends that I made, have lasted a lifetime! I think all kids need to have a time to find themselves and develop social skills along with book learning.

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