Sunday, February 22, 2009


A few years ago I went to a ladies meeting at my daughter's church. The speaker was a Mrs. Smiley. She had written a couple Christian books and a well sought after speaker in Christian Circles. Oh yes, another thing that stands out in my mind, is that I knew her mother-in-law and went to high school with her. Mrs. Smiley lives with her husband and boys on the same family farm, in the same community that I grew up in.

During World War II, scores of prayers had been said throughout the country for those in the service and the outcome of the war. I think Abraham Lincoln once said, "We should not ask that God be on our side, but to make sure that we are on God's side". With God knowing the evil that was taking place, the Holocaust and the Japanese declining to surrender after starting the war, I believe that He answered so many parents prayers and the war was ended.

Mrs. Smiley brought out that every time God answered their prayers, that they should go behind the barn and POUND ANOTHER NAIL IN THE BARN. This was a reminder when they looked at the nails, that God has been faithful in answering their deepest heartfelt prayers. Much like the Israelites did when they stacked the rocks up for a reminder of God's faithfulness throughout the years.

I think that World War II ending was one of those times that one needed to "GO BEHIND THE BARN AND POUND ANOTHER NAIL IN THE BARN". Just another reminder of God hears and answers prayers and His faithfulness. Truly the nation had something to be thankful for!

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