Friday, November 20, 2009


When I hear about our government and the manner in which they spend money when we are so indebted already that it can make your head spin, it is beyond comprehension.

I just wish that they would leave their mitts off of OUR money. Anything they touch and try to work out fails and we get further and further in debt. Both parties are guilty of this. They want to have government run health care. They haven't been able to manage Social Security, Medicare or any programs they are in charge of. You would think they would fix those and have those solvent before taking on a mass thing like health care for everybody. They claim it isn't going to cost us a cent. Now if you believe that, I really do have some swamp land I would like to sell you in the middle of the ocean. Would you like to buy that, too? They claim that the illegal immigrants will not be included, BUT when they are given amnesty and citizenship, they too will get a free ride. Have you thought about this amnesty bit? It is purely political for future votes.

Our Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and it contained approximately 17 pages. Now they are coming out with 2000 pages (approximate) for the health care bill. Everything they can think of has been squeezed into this and they don't give enough time to read and digest it before voting on it. IS THERE SOMETHING WRONG WITH THIS PICTURE? I have always been told, that you read the fine print before you agree to a contract. This seems to be out of vogue in today world.

Wisdom--When you have states that are going bankrupt, one better take a 2ND look at spending more money with the government in charge of any added programs. This is just plain "HORSE SENSE". We better get back to our Constitution and adhering to that. Keep government out of our lives as much as possible.


Observer said...

Amen to all of what you wrote! What our elected leaders are doing to our great country is just pure INSANITY!!!!

Unknown said...

You're both starting to sound like Ron Paul!