Tuesday, November 10, 2009


We have been in both places, a purchased house and one not yet sold, and now our house sold but where are we going to find one of equal value elsewhere? It is no fun to have two houses on your shoulders, but the other way gives one an uneasy feeling, also.

Our daughters were checking out homes for us. We would drive over and try to hunt houses on the weekends. We couldn't find any that was equal value with charm that we were looking for.
Plenty of homes were on sale, but most of them were beyond what we budgeted ourself to pay.

Our younger daughter was having devotions with her daughters and was downhearted as she was looking all day for a house for us. After the devotions and prayer that evening, she said to her daughters, "All day I have been thinking that mom and dad had sold their house and we can't find one for them." She then said, "This devotion helped me realize that there IS a home out there for them and we just haven't found it yet!"

I loved the house we sold, loved the screened in front porch, loved the 3 beautiful maple trees in our yard, and loved the blue spruce tree. I had been praying, "Lord, you know how much we love this house, and please give us a screened in porch (but make it in the back) and please give us a beautiful maple tree." People in the fall would stop their car and take pictures of our maple trees. They were so-oooo pretty! I really did hate to not have a pretty tree in our yard.

The next day after my daughter had her devotions with her girls, she went out looking again. That evening she called me and said, "Mom, we found your house!" She said it was a brick ranch on a beautiful 100 X 200 ft lot. There was a screened in porch. I said, "yes, it is in the back of the house isn't it?" She said, "Yes, how did you know that?" Well, wasn't that what I prayed for? I figured God would supply that request. She went on to tell me that there was a HUGE tree in the front yard. I said, "Yes, and it is a maple tree!". She told me she didn't know what kind of tree it was, but it covered the whole yard. It turned out the "maple" tree was in the back yard. No, it wasn't a "Hard Maple" like was in our sold house, but it was maple. My son in law said that I hadn't prayed specific enough about the trees.

We went over to look at it and before we went inside, I KNEW WE HAD FOUND OUR HOUSE!
I LOVED IT! All we had to do is to get our budget in line with their price that they asked.
We gave them an offer (within our budget) and they accepted.

Wisdom--When praying to God, be specific about things. God is listening and He really wants us to see His Loving Hand in answered prayers.

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