Wednesday, November 25, 2009


This was the question that I asked myself about 10 years ago. I will try to tell you about the sequence leading up to this below.

It was a Sunday evening no different than any other, but I went to bed early as I just wasn't feeling up to par. In the middle of the night I woke up and was still feeling rather "puny". My chest seemed to be not in sync and my heart was beating rather irregularly. I had my husband listen and he said it didn't seem to be sounding normal. I had no pain, but was feeling rather funny.

I fell back to sleep and on Monday morning I woke up and knew I had a dentist appointment early and proceeded to get ready for that. All the time, my mind kept thinking, if I didn't have this dentist appointment, I would go to the doctor about the underlying problem I had during the night.

Off to the dentist I went (which was about 10 miles away). They were going to clean my teeth and ex ray them. I opted out of the ex ray, since I wasn't up to par. This dentist gave five percent discount if you paid on the day of your appointment. That was great so I was writing out the check and noticed that my chest was hurting a bit.

I went back to the car where my husband was, and told him that perhaps we need to go back to our doctor (10 miles back). I thought that going to the emergency room (which we drove right past) was really a bit much, since I wasn't used to pampering myself.

During the 10 mile ride, my chest seemed to be getting worse. I hadn't mentioned this on the ride to the doctors office since I wanted us to arrive safely. I told my husband to let me off at the doctor's front door and then he could park the car.

Upon going into see the doctor I told the nurse I needed to speak to the nurse. She asked me if I had an appointment. I told her that I didn't. I stood there for a few minutes and nothing happened, so I told the receptionist that I was having chest pain. Well now, I not only got one nurse immediately, but the doctor and the whole crew. They wired me up (EKG) and checked me, and gave me medicine.

They told me that I needed to go to the hospital immediately. I told them that my husband was with me and he could take me. They were not in favor of that idea, and took me in an ambulance
and checking on me as we drove.

They suspicioned that I was having a heart attack. They were right after totally checking me out and I was scheduled for open heart surgery in a couple of days. They wanted my heart to settle down before having major surgery.

Wisdom--Women do not have the usual pains and symptoms that men have when having a heart attack. One better check out anything that seems abnormal concerning your body.
A lot of good, clean teeth would have done that morning, I should have gone directly to the emergency room even yet in the middle of the night. Just take this as a warning if you happen to have some chest/heart palpitations.

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