Sunday, November 22, 2009


These are the words that I heard 55 years ago yesterday as I had just switched on the light in the hospital for a nurse.

My husband was in the labor room for only 5 minutes and they told him to leave as they were wanting to prep me for my baby's birth. The nurses were getting the supplies ready to proceed. While they were gone, my pains were getting very strong and I thought to myself, if they linger in coming I could have my baby without anyone in the room. Knowing this, I turned on the nurses call light so I wouldn't be alone. I had no more switched on the light and I think all the nurses on the floor rushed into my room immediately and asked me what was the matter?

They tested me and told them not to do anything else, that I was ready to go to the delivery room. Two hours after I had my first pain, I delivered a 8# 1 oz. baby girl.

Yesterday was her 55Th birthday and we celebrated it at her "big" sister's home. Carol had a
lunch for us that was fabulous and then we went to the Festival of Trees. Carol had decorated a tree for the festival. The Angel price was $660 and she had a bid of $450. The festival was still on today, so don't know the final bid.

Mary and Carol went on shopping after that, but my husband and I were tired and went back to the house.

Wisdom--We had no idea when we had our daughter's that our lives would be so enriched!
Both of them have made us very proud of their accomplishments and desire to serve God.
You have only a short window of opportunity to teach and guide your children, you blink and they have grown up. Make every day count on what you teach them, as they grow up so fast!

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