Thursday, November 26, 2009


While I was in the hospital, they scheduled open heart surgery. I asked the nurse, "What if I have another heart attack during surgery?" She said, that the doctors would be right there and would take care of me. That satisfied my question for the moment.

The morning of the surgery, they did all the prep work that they were scheduled to do. I laid in bed and since I have tried to memorize scripture from the bible, I would ponder over all the promises God had written in His Word. He promised that he will never leave or forsake me. (Hebrews 13:5). I repeated the 23rd Psalm in my thoughts as I laid waiting to go to surgery. So many scripture verses ran through my head that morning and a "FLOOD OF PEACE" filled my very being. I knew that whether I lived or I died I would be with JESUS, which was all I needed to know.

I'm confident that my blood pressure had reflected that "TOTAL PEACE" that I felt that morning as I mulled over in my mind all the scripture verses that I could recall to memory.
God was going to be with me in surgery, I did not have to face this alone.

They performed triple by-pass surgery and they took me to intensive care for the first part of my recovery. During this time I was in ICU my family would come in and visit. My "Special grandson" and his sister (Sweetie Pie) came in together a short time. I was wired up to so many wires and could hardly speak. I noticed as they were leaving that my grandson was laying outside of the ICU door (glass wall) on a stretcher and the nurses was having him drink orange juice. I realized after that incident that hospital life wasn't quite his "cup of tea". I must have looked like "death warmed over" that day.

Each day, I proceeded to get better and was removed to a regular hospital room. They would have me walk each day to build up my strength.

They dismissed me a day or two before Thanksgiving Day that year. Of course, I was in no shape to celebrate Thanksgiving with the rest of the family. My husband cooked some soup for me and I can truthfully tell you, that was the best Thanksgiving Dinner I have ever eaten in my life! The soup was so-oooo good and I was so-oooo thankful for God's protective hand on my life. The quiet day was really just what the doctor ordered! Thank you to my husband for such good care.

I received therapy after I came home and each week was better than the week prior. Each month was better than the previous month and by the next Thanksgiving, I was as good as new.

Wisdom--One doesn't have to have a lot of "stuff" to be thankful. Christ and His love and provision was all I needed that year to be perfectly content. It truly was the MOST THANKFUL THANKSGIVING EVER! I was thankful for such a loving family that cared for me, also.

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