Thursday, May 28, 2009


I was so busy with the first child, I thought how could I get any busier!! There wasn't enough time in the day for twice the amount of work.

You know what--I wasn't any busier with two than I was with one. Either I was more organized or our first child was so helpful, that it really all fell into place. Our first child was 3 years 4 months old when the 2ND came and she was so enthralled with the new little one, that she acted like a little mother to the new addition. She would run and get a diaper and dispose of the used diaper in the proper place. She was an extra pair of hands and feet.

In those days, I sewed almost everything the girls wore and I would no more be caught up with my sewing, and then they had grown out of that size. My sewing machine was always buzzing with new garments.

Back then, I don't remember ever hearing about and going to garage sales. Today, one can get so many clothes (good used clothing) at a garage sale that cost about what you would pay for tax on the item if you purchased it new. One washing of a new garment looks no different than what you can find at garage sales today. We live in a quite affluent area and you can't imagine the beautiful clothes you can pick up for a song, if you consistently go out looking.

Our granddaughter mentioned that her son is exploring the world and loves rocks, plants, and she wondered why one has so many bought toys when a pan or cardboard box, rocks can enthrall a child just as much.

Wisdom--With college looming ahead and cost of living going up rapidly, one needs to economize when the children are young. Peer pressure doesn't affect babies and small children. There is a whole world out there that they need to explore!! They soon grow up, so enjoy every minute while you can!!!

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