Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Well, I finally got over my jitters of knowing what to do when our baby cried and settling in a routine. All mothers systems have to get back to normal and yes, I finally settled down to ordinary living.

One thing I want to emphasis is that getting a baby in a routine is so important! Children thrive when they know ahead of time what to expect. Eating at a regular time, taking naps and going to bed at a certain time helps the child and also, is a big help to the mother. At the end of the day, mothers have had a busy all consuming day taking care of the little ones, and they need a time that they can call their own, so having a scheduled bedtime is good for the children and especially good for the mother.

My husband was very helpful with caring for our baby and helping anyway he could to make things run smoothly. All dads needs to get involved in the rearing of the children, and this should be from the very day they come home. It is their baby also, and so they should have hands on participation. Good for the welfare of the family, good for the marriage as well it makes home life run smoothly!! When things run smoothly everyone benefits.

I remember when our oldest granddaughter was having a hard time getting up out of her bed when tucked in at night (right after she got her big girl bed). Our younger daughter didn't quite know what to do. Some wise individual from their friends told her to close the door and let her cry. This was really hard for her and her husband to do, but they both stayed on the other side of the door and held the door closed so she couldn't open the door. She was crying and crying and when she saw that it wasn't working, she proceeded to go back to her bed, crawled into it and went to sleep. Battle was over!!! Victory won!!!! From that day on they were able to lay her down and off to sleep she went. No more problems. Their 2ND child they did the same and it worked!!! Consistency is the key!!

Words of wisdom--You'll never have a better time to bond and connect with your little one, then when you tuck them in at night. Prepare them for bedtime by bath, getting PJ's on and reading a story and praying with them! Precious time for both mom and dad as well. Don't miss this opportunity because they soon grow up.

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