Monday, May 4, 2009


First of all, we have a great-granddaughter born today and weighed in at 5# 4 oz., 17 inches long. She is 3 weeks early, but mother and daughter are doing fine!

This so reminds me of when I was carrying our first born. It was in July and my feet were rather swelled up, but it was hard to see them, because I was kinda top heavy. A few days prior to the birth, I was going down the steps to the basement and lost my balance. I toppled down 1/2 flight of stairs. Not a very good thing to happen to you, but there I was flat on the floor. Thank heavens, it was just half way down, as there was a landing to go out into the garage, otherwise, it would have been straight down.

I was told that walking a lot helped with the delivery. So I thought I had better do some walking. I walked uptown and back that morning and then we walked to a friends house in the evening and back (altogether it was about 6 miles). In the middle of the night, which happens often, I knew it was time to head off to the hospital. I had a sweet baby girl four hours after my first pain. Not a long time for my first child. She weighed in at 7# 6-3/4 oz.

After the birth, I looked down at my feet and couldn't believe what I saw. For one thing, I was able to see my feet and for another thing, they were normal size feet. I thought this couldn't be my feet, but I was able to move my toes, so they were!!! Summer time always makes one's feet
want to swell. Those days we stayed in the hospital about 5-6 days.

Thought--What joy my husband and I had that day!!! Whenever I see new parents, I know just how they feel!!! It is indescribable to look into a small baby and see everything in place (only tiny). What joy!!! I really like the picture that our grandson and his wife has over the baby's bed that states, "A PERSON IS A PERSON, NO MATTER HOW SMALL THEY ARE". This starts from conception!!!

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