Sunday, May 10, 2009


Mother's day brings back a number of emotions. One being, that I was married on Mother's day 59 years ago (That year it was Mother's day). The other being, thanking God for my own mother and mother-in-law and their important role in my life.

I want to focus on what I think of being a mother myself. Without a doubt, it is the one thing that surpasses all other jobs, positions that one could possibly have. Being a mother has given me more fulfilment and joy than you can ever imagine. I can't imagine not experiencing this "wonderment" in my life!

Now I am getting to enjoy the fruit, as we have grandchildren and now great-grandchildren coming on. We have been blessed and our cup is full and running over!!! We have two daughters and we are so proud of them because of who they are and what they became!

Of course, it was a lot of work, diapers to change and boring jobs that needed to be done, but this all pales when compared to the rewards one receives!

THOUGHT--One thing about being a mother and raising your children, you only get one chance to get it right. I learned though you can make a multitude of mistakes but if your children see "love" as your motive and God as your helper, you will get it RIGHT! I certainly can't imagine how empty my life would be without our daughters and their families and then the families that those families have. It is like a river, it goes on and on!! HAPPY MOTHERS DAY!!!

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