Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Yesterday our president signed into law a HUGE health care bill. While we were going to the doctors this month, I inquired to what they thought of this bill. I couldn't find any doctors/nurses that were wanting this bill to pass. My sister's doctor stated that he would quit medicine if it passed. Some type of reform was needed, but should not have been taken over by the government to manage.

I have stated previously what "BIG" government does to a nation, a people, and the future generations. My mind is firm on this. Less government = more freedom. Big government = less freedom. Our nations freedom came at a great COST for many of our forefathers. We should not take their sacrifices for granted.

I'm taking this time to apologize to my grandchildren, great grandchildren and those yet to be born, that we have lost freedom for them and heaped on their shoulders debt that they will never get out from under. With that said, it will be extremely hard for them to make ends meet, feed and clothe their families. I believed that each generation should be responsible for debts that they incur. I really am sorry and apologize to what passing this bill has done to those that come after us.

Wisdom--When one spends more that one makes whether it be individually, business, or government, one can expect bankruptcy. Social Security, medicare, medicaid are facing bankruptcy. States are facing bankruptcy. You think that our government will not lead us right into bankruptcy, as well!!!

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