Saturday, January 9, 2010


I've had a bad cold since Tuesday. Haven't done much other than drink OJ and lay around.
When you get older it seems that it takes longer to get back to normal.

The weather has been a bummer besides. Our neighbor's father plowed the driveway for us the other day. There was at least 7-8 inches of snow and near zero or below. My husband drives down to the mailbox each day to get the mail. The box is at the end of the driveway, but he can't afford to fall on the ice/snow, so it works out fairly well to go in the car.

Hopefully, next week will be better in the weather department and I will be out of sickbay!

Thought--One has to experience a little down time, so we can appreciate the "up" times that come later.


Unknown said...

Hope you are back to normal soon.


Unknown said...
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