Friday, June 4, 2010


This past weekend we went to Michigan to help our granddaughter move to a rented home. They have their condo rented to a couple doctors and now in a rented house with a large yard for the kids to play in.

I need to clarify this helping move bit. We just observed everyone move their furniture. The most we did was supply lunch for the workers and unpack her kitchen supplies and organize the kitchen area.

It will take some getting used to for our granddaughter, as it is an older home and not up to the most modern equipment. For me however, it would seem luxurious compared to our old farm house on the farm when I was growing up.

It was a fun weekend even with the work involved.

Last night we went to a concert and it was 2 1/2 hours of pure enjoyment.

Thought--When everyone does a little, that LITTLE becomes MUCH when everyone does something for a greater cause. This is called TEAMWORK! Without teamwork, it doesn't function like it should.

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